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As an Affiliated Research Centre research degree coordinator, you have a vital role in ensuring that the research degree programme infrastructure in your ARC is well-established, that it aligns with Open University expectations, and that students and supervisors have access to all the relevant information about OU research degree registration and professional development. In addition to that, you are the main point of contact between your Affiliated Research Centre and The Open University.
In this section we aim to give you all the information you need to support you in these important tasks.
You can find information about ARC programme management, including quality assurance activities that your ARC will be expected to undertake in the Managing the Institutional Relationship section.
The Forms and Guidance section provides detailed information about the academic and administrative arrangements for your student’s Open University registration. You can download forms to complete with students and supervisors at key registration milestones, or when something changes. It is your responsibility to ensure that they are sent to us so that we have up-to-date registration information for your students. Before completing a form, please make sure that you have read the relevant guidance notes.
The Research Degrees Regulations are the principal means through which The Open University ensures consistency in academic standards across the research degree programmes that it offers. The Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students in Appendix 2 of the Research Degree Regulations sets out your responsibilities as a supervisor of an Open University student. The Conditions of Registration for Postgraduate Students sets out the terms of conditions of your student’s registration with The Open University. This Research Degrees in Affiliated Research Centres Handbook is a guide to the University’s academic and administrative arrangements for research degree study. It provides information about the services available to research degree students, the policies that apply to registration, and it provides advice about key points in the student journey. Please familiarise yourself with the regulations, conditions of registration and handbook and refer to them when your student needs guidance about their registration with The Open University.
You can find a presentation that summarises logging on and accessing OU resources (including Library resources) for ARC students. You can share this with your students to give them an induction to what the OU can offer them.
As a research degree coordinator, you have an important role in ensuring that your supervisors are equipped with the knowledge and the tools they need to support students in identifying and developing the generic research skills, discipline level research skills and project-level research skills. The Open University uses the Researcher Development Framework (RDF), developed by Vitae. You will find further information about using the tool in the Skills training and the Research Development Framework section.
As required by the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, The Open University checks the right to work in the UK of all people appointed to undertake work on its behalf. This includes external supervisors and external examiners who are directly appointed by The Open University to support research students. Our checks do not extend to anyone appointed to these roles by an Affiliated Research Centre. Our expectation is that all UK Affiliated Research Centres who appoint supervisors and examiners to work in the UK will have their own procedures for complying with legislation, will conduct the necessary document checks and keep the required records.
For further guidance on the document checks and records required by law, please refer to's employer's guide to Right to work checks.
The Affiliated Research Centre (ARC) model allows approved research institutions to ‘host’ research students to study locally, supported and supervised through the ARC.
It is a requirement of the QAA and the responsibility of you and your colleagues in the Affiliated Research Centre to ensure that your students have opportunities to develop a...
Please get in touch for research-degree-related issues by phoning 01908 653806 or sending an email.