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Forms and Guidance

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Academic Engagement and Attendance Policy (effective from 1 August 2024)

PDF icon Academic Engagement and Attendance Policy 2024 .pdf
A framework for ensuring that academic engagement and attendance (AE&A) of every PGR is sufficient in order to ensure success in their studies

Academic Freedom Principles Statement
This is a University statement of academic freedom principles. It ensures that the OU community has a common understanding of what academic freedom means for the University, and the responsibilities that come with that freedom.

Advocacy appointment form

File Advocacy Appointment Form_V1.1_2020.docx
Research students who are experiencing difficulties communicating with The Open University and require a third party to communicate on their behalf can use this form to appoint an advocate

Applicant recommendation form (ARF) - EdD/DHSC

File Applicant Recommendation Form Prof Docs_0 (1).docx
Use this form to recommend admission for an EdD/DHSC Professional Doctorate applicant

Applicant recommendation form (ARF) - MPhil/PhD, Non-UK

File Applicant Recommendation Form Non UK_0 (13).docx
Use this form to recommend admission for an MPhil/PhD applicant from overseas

Applicant recommendation form (ARF) - MPhil/PhD, Transfer

File Applicant Recommendation Form Transfer (DS Only) (10).docx
Use this form to apply to transfer your MPhil/PhD registration to The Open University

Applicant recommendation form (ARF) - MPhil/PhD, UK only

File Application Recommendation Form UK_1 (10).docx
Use this form to recommend admission for an MPhil/PhD applicant from the UK

Applicant recommendation form - ARCs

File ARC Applicant Recommendation Form 24-25.docx
Use this form to request admission for an ARC-based applicant

Applicant recommendation form - Distance Learning (PhD)

File Research Degree by Distance Learning Application Recommendation Form 2024.docx
Use this form to request admission for an Distance Learning PhD applicant

Application form - ARCs

File Application Form - ARCs.docx
Use this form for applications to an ARC.

Application form - Distance Learning (PhD)

File Research Degree by Distance application-form-uk 2024.docx
Use this form to apply for a distance-learning PhD

Application form - Non-UK

File application-form-international.docx
Use this form to request admission for an applicant from overseas

Application form - Professional doctorates (EdD/DHSC)

File application-form-prof-docs.docx
Use this form to apply for a professional doctorate

Application form - Transfer

File application-form-registration-transfer.docx
Use this form to apply for a research degree if you are applying transfer your registration to The Open University

Application form - UK only

File application-form-uk.docx
Use this form to apply for a research degree if you are a UK student

Carers: PGR Carers Support Fund guidance notes and application form

File PGR Carers Support Fund application form December 2024.docx
The PGR Carers Support Fund issues funding to support PGRs who are carers; this document contains guidance notes and application form

Link to the Ceremonies website

Closure Days 24/25

File Closure days 24-25.docx
OU Closure Days (when the University is closed for business) for 2024-25.

Code of Practice for Research
The Open University Code of Practice for Research policy

Code of Practice for Research Integrity
The Code of Practice for Research (Research Integrity) sets out the standards for research at the OU that all researchers are expected to adhere to (including PGRs) and underpins our research integrity framework. This is the publicly accessible version.

Code of Practice for Student Discipline

Complaints and appeals

Computing - Student Computing Policy
Computing code of conduct policy

Computing health and safety advice
Computing health and safety advice policy

Conditions of Registration for PGR Students

Creative writing research at PhD level

File Creative-Writing-Thesis-Guidance_V1.1_2020.docx
Guidance for students registered for a research degree that includes creative writing

Data: storing research data…
Advice on storing and transferring research data securely

Dependants fund form

File Dependants Fund Application Form_V1.1_2020.docx
Use this form to apply for the dependants fund

Dignity and Respect Policy
Student code for dealing with bullying and harassment

Disability Support Form
Form to describe what adjustments might be needed to support research student with a disability

Employee Assistance Programme (information on Student Wellbeing page)
Information about the Employee Assistance Programme.

EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership pages (STEM)…
Information on the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) doctoral training partnership scheme

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion website
OU website covering the OU's commitment and approach to equality and diversity

eTheses advice
Guidance on the process of depositing your eThesis on Open Research Online

Ethical approval for research
Information on research ethics at the Open University

Exam Panel Chair (EPC) training

PDF icon EPC Training Module PDF.pdf
Exam panel chair (EPC) training for examiners without access to My Learning Centre

Exam Panel Chair Training Guidelines

File Exam Panel Chair Training Guidelines.docx
A list of expectations and useful documents for Exam Panel Chairs.

Examination guidelines for research degrees

File Examination Guidelines 2024.docx
Examination guidelines for MPhil, PhD and Professional Doctorates (EdD/DHSC)

Examination panel chair aide memoire

File EPC Aide Memoire_V1.1_2023.docx
Exam Panel Chairs may use this checklist to help manage the viva process

External examiners and supervisors - eligibilty to work in the UK

File External-appointment-RTW-eligibility_2024.docx
Right to work guidance for external examiners and supervisors working in the UK

External staff expenses claim form

File Claim Form - External Staff Expenses Form (DS Only).docx
External staff should use this form to claim expenses associated with examining or supervising a research degree student

Fee rules (affiliated research centre students)
This document sets out the University’s policy on setting and charging fees for postgraduate research students registered through an Affiliated Research Centre. It covers fee liability, including probationary reworks, write up, continuation and resubmission fee policy. There are also sections on grant extensions, refunds, debt and support for study related costs.

Fee rules (directly registered students)
This document sets out the University’s policy on setting and charging fees for directly registered postgraduate research students. It covers fee liability, including probationary reworks, write up, continuation and resubmission fee policy. There are also sections on grant extensions, refunds, debt and support for study related costs.

Fees (in Research Degrees Prospectus)

Fitness to study policy
Sets out how we can support you with regards to your studies if a mental, emotional or physical disability affects the way you interact with the Open University community

Freedom of Information Code of Practice…
This code of practice explains the two main responsibilities of the University under the Freedom of Information Act (2000), how information will be shared and what information is exempt

Funding, Additional (in Research Degrees Prospectus)

Additional funding support (research degrees prospectus)
You may be entitled to additional financial support from the University or from other funding bodies depending on your circumstances

GDPR: research guidance

File Research-Guidance_V1.2 2024 (2).docx
Guidance on applying GDPR principles to research. Includes Data protection principles, Specific processing situations, Individuals’ rights, Exemptions and Checklist

Handbook - Research Degrees Handbook: Affiliated Research Centres (pdf)

PDF icon research_degrees_handbook_arc_phd_24_25.pdf
PDF of Research Degrees in Affiliated Research Centres Handbook (should be read prior to registration and referred to throughout registration)

Handbook - Research Degrees Handbook: Affiliated Research Centres (Word)

File research_degrees_handbook_arc_phd_24_25.docx
Research Degrees in Affiliated Research Centres Handbook (should be read prior to registration and referred to throughout registration)

Handbook - Research Degrees Handbook: Professional Doctorates (PDF)

PDF icon professional_doctorate_24-25.pdf
Handbook explaining Professional Doctorates at the OU: support available, student journey and facilities and services

Handbook - Research Degrees Handbook: Professional Doctorates (Word)

File professional_doctorate_24-25.docx
Handbook explaining Professional Doctorates at the Open University: support available, milestones and facilities

Handbook - Research Degrees Handbooks: Directly registered PhDs (PDF)

PDF icon research_degrees_handbook_dr_phd_24_25.pdf
Research Degrees Handbook (should be read prior to registration and referred to throughout registration)

Handbook - Research Degrees Handbooks: Directly registered PhDs (Word)

File research_degrees_handbook_dr_phd_24_25.docx
Word version of the Research Degrees Handbook: Directly registered PhDs

Intellectual Property Advice and Support…
Contains link to the IP and Commercialisation Handbook, with guidance on Intellectual Property, knowledge exchange, material transfer agreements and non-disclosure agreements

IT advice for PGRs

IT and computing guide for research students

IT for Research Students - Students starting October 2022 onwards

File IT Guide for PGR Students - Post-October 2022 starters.docx
Helps explain why you have two log-ins and which systems you should use them for; it also has some useful trouble-shooting information.

IT induction pages

IT support for PGRs

File IT support for PGRs.pptx
Presentation on IT support for new PGRs

Loans: Doctoral Loans
Information about doctoral loans for research students.

Loans: Doctoral Loans (Wales)…
Information on doctoral loans for research students in Wales.

Managing unsatisfactory progress

File Managing-Unsatisfactory-Progress_V1.2.2024.docx
Guidance for managing unsatisfactory progress

Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Shared Leave Policy for PGRs 2024/25

File maternity-paternity-adoption-and-shared-leave-policy 24 25.docx
This document relates to PG research students who might need support because their study is affected by pregnancy, maternity, paternity, adoption, and shared leave.

Open Access Policy…
In line with its mission, The Open University (OU) believes that the ideas and knowledge from its research should be made available and accessible for public use. This policy covers how PG research students should make their research outputs open.

Open Research Data Online (ORDO) policies…
Explains the terms of use of ORDO when working with live research data, and for depositing archival data for preservation and publication

Open Research Data Online (ORDO): PG Researcher’s Guide…
Open Research Data Online (ORDO) is The Open University's research data repository

PGR Manager: Completing Your Progress Report

PDF icon PGR Manager - Student Guide to Completing your Progress Report .pdf
PGRs completing their progress report using PGR Manager

PGR Manager: Dashboards

PDF icon PGR Manager Dashboards.pdf
Guidance to access dashboards: information tables available to administrative and management staff to support the management of PGR students

PGR Manager: Event Updater Guide

File PGR Manager Events Management guide v2 (3).docx
Guide for OU staff adding events to the PGR Manager Calendar

PGR Manager: Exam panel nomination

PDF icon PGR Manager - Exam panel nomination.pdf
The process for nominating an exam panel via PGR Manager

PGR Manager: Examiner and EPC guide - ARC

PDF icon PGR Manager Examiner and EPC guide - ARC.pdf
Pre- and post-viva PGR Manager step-by-step guide for examiners and exam panel chairs at Affiliated Research Centres

PGR Manager: Examiner and EPC guide - directly registered

PDF icon PGR Manager Examiner and EPC guide.pdf
Pre- and post-viva PGR Manager step-by-step guide for examiners and exam panel chairs for directly registered PGRs

PGR Manager: Faculty Administrator Guide

PDF icon PGR Manager Faculty ARC Admin Guide.pdf
User guide for the PGR Manager system, written for Faculty Administrators

PGR Manager: Planning and booking your training

PDF icon PGR Manager: Planning and booking your training (PDF, 846 KB)
Use with the Training and Development area of PGR Manager to produce a skills audit and use PGRM to plan your development.

PGR Manager: Student User Guide

PDF icon PGR Manager Students User Guide V2.pdf
User guide for the PGR Manager system, written for Directly Supported Students and Affiliated Research Centres (ARC)

PGR Manager: Supervision meeting notes guide

PDF icon Supervision meeting notes guidance.pdf
Guidance to upload your supervision meeting notes to PGR Manager

PGR Manager: Supervisor and Approver Guide

PDF icon PGR Manager Supervisor and Approver Guide.pdf
User guide for the PGR Manager system, written for Supervisors and Approvers for both Directly Supported and Affiliated Research Centres (ARC)

PGR Manager: Upgrade extension guidance for +4 students only

PGR Manager: Upgrade guidance for supervisors and assessors

PDF icon PGR Manager Upgrade guidance for supervisors and assessors.pdf
The process for Upgrade using PGR Manager, for supervisors and assessors

Plagiarism and research misconduct policy for research students
This policy defines plagiarism in the context of an Open University research degree. It sets out how incidences of plagiarism and other research misconduct committed by postgraduate research students will be investigated and provides a simple graduated framework of penalties when plagiarism or other research misconduct is confirmed.

Plagiarism guidance for Postgraduate Researchers
This activity looks at different forms of plagiarism and how to avoid them during the production of your thesis.

Preparing for the viva: a guide for doctoral candidates (UKCGE)

PDF icon Preparing for your Viva - UK Council for Graduate Education.pdf
Guide to help PG research students prepare for their viva voce examination

Prevent principles
OU Prevent (counter-terrorism) Principles agreed by The Council November 2015.

Privacy Notice
Personal information held by the University, and the purposes for which it is used

Professional doctorates application process…
Guidance and links for applying to a professional doctorate

Professional Doctorates Framework

File Professional-Doctorates-Framework_V1.2_2024.docx
Guidance for academic staff who want to create a new professional doctorate qualification

Professional Doctorates: Graduate School at-a-glance for Professional Doctorate students

File Prof_Doc_At_A_Glance.docx
For Professional Doctorate students to see what they can access via the Open University Graduate School

Prospectus (Research degrees prospectus)
Information for new applicants, also contains info on fees and funding

Public Interest Disclosure (whistleblowing)…
This Public Interest Disclosure policy provides guidance to staff and students wishing to raise their reasonable suspicions about irregularities in the running of the University or of the activities of colleagues within the University.

Reasonable adjustment regulations

File Reasonable-Adjustment-Regulations_V1.3_2024.docx
Regulations for which a waiver can be made where a case for a reasonable adjustment has been put forward by a student who has registered a disability with the University

Recommending a student be registered for an alternative research degree

File Recommending-a-student-be-registered-for-an-alternative-research-degree_V1.2 2024.docx
Guidance to supervisors, faculties and students where it is recommended that a student’s work is not of the required academic standard for the research degree they are registered for and they should be registered for an alternative research degree

Recruitment guidelines

PDF icon recruitment-guidelines.pdf
To provide guidance to faculties in the recruitment and selection of research students, and to aid the completion of the relevant Applicant Recommendation Form

Recruitment guidelines for ARCs

PDF icon Recruitment Guidelines ARC.pdf
Guidelines for recruiting research students based at an Affiliated Research Centre (ARC)

Recruitment Guidelines for distance-learning PhD

PDF icon Research Degree by Distance Recruitment Guidelines 2024.pdf
Guidelines for recruiting research students studying a distance-learning PhD.

Regulations - Research Degree Regulations
These regulations are the definitive statement on the regulatory framework governing Research Degrees at The Open University - both Research Degree Regulations and Research Degree by Distance Regulations are accessible

Research data management
This policy defines the standards that govern the management of research data at the Open University.

Research data management policy…
Defines the standards that govern the management of research data at The Open University

Research proposal for professional doctorates

File research-proposal-prof-docs.docx
Research proposal form to be submitted with 'Application form - Professional doctorates (EdD/DHSC)'

Return to study

File Return to Study Form_V1.3 2024.docx
This form should be completed as part of the return to study meeting following a period of suspended registration

Right to Work

Sponsorship agreement form

File Sponsorship Agreement_2024.docx
Complete this form if all or part of your research degree fees will be covered by a sponsor

Staff fee waiver

File Staff Fee Waiver Form_V1.2_2024.docx
Complete this form if all or part of your fees will be covered by a staff fee waiver and you are employed by the University (excluding Associate Lecturers)

Staff fee waiver form - Associate Lecturers

File Staff Fee Waiver form-AL_V1.2_2024.docx
Complete this form if all or part of your fees will be covered by a staff fee waiver and you are employed as an Associate Lecturer (AL)

Student assistance fund guidance notes

File Student_Assistance_Fund_guidance_notes.docx
Guidance notes to help complete the Student Assistance Fund application form

Student assistance fund PGR application form

Student Charter
This Charter, developed jointly by the University and the OU Students Association, sets out what our responsibilities are and what we can all expect of each other

Student reference request form

File Reference Request Template (DS Only).docx
Faculties may use this form to request a reference for a research degree applicant

Student Route visa holder responsibilities

File UKVI Student Route Visa Holder Roles and Responsibilities Form.docx
The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that the student is aware of their responsibilities to The Open University as the sponsor for their Student Route visa

Supervision meeting form for student route visa holders

File Supervision meeting form for student route visa holders.docx
Student route visa holders should complete this form and upload it to their formal supervision meeting notes on PGR Manager.

Supervision policy

PDF icon Supervision-Policy.pdf
This policy sets out the University’s expectations and requirements for PGRS supervision

Supervision, Guide to Online Supervision (UKCGE)
The UK Council for Graduate Education has published this guide to online supervision, created to help research supervisors navigate the challenges of remote doctoral supervision

Supervisor guidelines - PhD/MPhil

File Supervisor-Guidelines_V1.1_2020 (DS and ARC).docx
This document contains guidance and policy for research degree supervisors

Supervisor guidelines - professional doctorates

File Professional-Doctorate-Supervisor-Guidelines_V1.2 2024.docx
Guidance for supervisors of Professional Doctorate students

Supervisor resources and links (Research Career Development website)
Link to resources including the supervisor handbook and training materials

Supervisor training guidelines

File Supervisor-Training-Guidelines_V1.3 2024.docx
Sets out supervisor training obligations and links to relevant resources

Team guidelines

File Team guidelines.docx
Lays out standards for how we will use our Team spaces and how moderation will work

Terrorism-related research registration
Use this form to register a research degree that will require materials related to terrorism to be accessed

Thesis submission guidelines

File Thesis-Submission-Guidelines_V1.4.docx
Guidelines for thesis submission for examination and the final electronic copy

Third party monitoring guidelines

File Third-Party-Monitoring-Guidelines_V1.1_2020 (DS and ARC).docx
Guidelines for third party monitoring of a research student

Transgender Staff Policy

Visiting student nomination form

File Visiting Students Nomination Form V1.5.docx
Use this form to nominate a visiting student

Wellbeing and mental health policy

File Postgraduate-Research-Student-Wellbeing-and-Mental-Health-Policy_V1.3 2024.docx
Formalises existing good practice around PG research student mental health, including information on different roles, study breaks and support mechanisms

Wellbeing resources
GSN page collating student resources to support wellbeing

Writing Covid-19 into your thesis

PDF icon Writing COVID-19 into your thesis_with license.pdf
Suggestions of how the influence of the pandemic might be referenced in the usual chapters in a thesis

Contact us

Please get in touch for research-degree-related issues by phoning 01908 653806 or sending an email.

Email Graduate School

See further contact options and a Who's who in PG research.