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Destination Map and Tools Techniques & Resources

The purpose of developing the 'Destination Map' was to help Learning and Development (L&D) functions in police forces and agencies to meet the challenges set out in Vision 2025 and beyond.

This formed part of the broader programme of work with police forces which the OU undertook as part of the ITPLD action research project with MOPAC.

The Destination Map is intended to provide strategic and operational leads with a vision of how L&D functions might be configured (a destination) to meet the challenges facing policing and its L&D functions, both from Vision 2025 and the complex strategic and operational landscape that policing occupies. It further aims to provide practitioners with information about ways in which that destination can be reached, supported by relevant Tools, Techniques and Resources.

The primary users of the Destination Map are envisaged to be Heads of L&D and Executive Team members with portfolio responsibility for L&D functions, however it is anticipated that it will also have broader utility amongst L&D professionals and wider policing.

Three versions of the Destination Map are available as pdf documents

  1. PLD 2025 Destination Map -  This document provides a full explanation of the mode
  2. PLD 2025 Destination Map Overview – This document provides an overview of the model
  3. PLD 2025 Destination Map Poster – This document provides a graphical depiction of the model

For a more detailed explanation of the Destination Map, please see a presentation that was recorded at a National Learning Network event.

Please click for the accompanying slide deck.

Tools, Techniques and Resources for Learning and Development in Policing

These Tools, Techniques and Resources (TTR) are intended to support Learning and Development professionals to engage the opportunities the changing landscape of policing presents. They are also intended to assist in engaging and implementing the Destination Map, and to this end the individual tools, techniques and resources contained within it have been aligned against this model.

They are drawn from a wide range of different sources; some like the Destination Map, Strategic Narrative and the Financial and Digital Toolkits have been specifically developed as part of the Implementing Transformation of Police Learning and Development Project, whilst others have been identified for inclusion during the course of that work.

Destination Map and Tools, Techniques and Resources (TTR) in Police Learning and Development

If you have any comments or observations about either the Destination Map or the TTR, and in particular:

  • Your experience of using either to support your work or colleagues
  • Suggestions for additional material to be included within the TTR
  • Broken links

We would love to hear from you - please contact us.


2023 Annual Report

This annual report features a selection of the work undertaken across 2023 which we consider to be highly relevant for the current policing environment.

15th May 2024
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Upcoming Events

Sep 25

Online Seminar: Strengthening Trust and Legitimacy of Policing

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:30

Oct 23
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