During 2021, as part of a research enrichment public engagement grant from the Wellcome Trust, the OU developed several Open Educational Resources (OERs). Specifically, OERs derived from the National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles.
Here you can access a collection of free resources exploring sexuality and LGBTQ+ history across the core faculty areas within The Open University. Browse a selection of articles, videos and free learning materials.
The Covid Chronicles: From the Margins project is researching and evaluating what life is like during the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspectives of creative asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants in the UK and around the world.
The 2019 ‘Who Are We?’ project took place for the third year at the Tate Modern and brought together academics and artists to explore migration, participation, citizenship and belonging through installations, symposia, and participatory workshops.
Migration has a major impact on local communities and in a series of videos, key figures from local councils and university professors discuss issues ranging from solidarity to challenges migrants face and multiculturalism.
The OU co-organised a six-day cross-platform event, spanning the visual arts, film, photography, design, architecture, the spoken and written word as well as live and digital art as part of the Tate Exchange Programme.
Contact the Citizenship and Governance team if you would like any further information.
Citizenship and Governance SRA
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom