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Two individuals look at sticky notes posted on a white board

Civic Leadership

Dr Alessandro Sancino and Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo have been researching place leadership in Milton Keynes throughout 2021. Ten interviews with Milton Keynes Civic Leaders are now available to view.

An artist draws on someone's arm at the Tate Exchange programme

'Who are we?'

The OU has been a partner on Tate Exchange between 2016-2021, led by Professor Umut Erel, resulting in multiple exhibitions, symposia, poetry readings, workshops, learning labs and participatory arts-based activities at Tate Modern and online.

A beautiful little toddler looks out the window smiling with his hands on the window

Covid Chronicles: From the Margins

The Covid Chronicles: From the Margins project, led by Professor Marie Gillespie, is researching what life is like during the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspectives of creative asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants in the UK and around the world.

Stunning wall art of a beautiful Black woman winking, with bright yellow eye shadow and matching hat

Hip Hop Pedagogy and Power: Reclaim the Archive

Tim Butcher, Visiting Fellow at The Open University and Associate Professor of Organisation Studies at the University of Tasmania, co-created this project with Counterpoints Arts, Tate Exchange, the Tate Archive and Plymouth College of Art.

A couple sit back to back in a white room resting on each other looking peaceful and content

Enduring Love?

The Enduring Love? project led by Professor Jacqui Gabb is a mixed-methods study on long-term adult couple relationships. The findings add an important dimension to understandings of personal and family lives in contemporary society.

A sign reads "Everyone is welcome"

Understanding Refugee Experiences: Refugee Week 2021

From free courses and research on life during the pandemic to creative and artistic projects in refugee camps, and with child migrants separated from their families, we have a rich archive of material created by, with, for and about refugees.

Contact the Citizenship and Governance team for more information about any of our projects.