The University’s Equality and Diversity Annual Report provides information about significant achievements and developments in the past year. It provides insights on our work to mainstream equality across all our functions and on specific projects and activities that aim to advance equality as well as promote and foster good relations. View the reports
We publish reports annually that provide comprehensive monitoring information, including data tables and charts related to governance, staff and students, across a wide range of participation and progress indicators at an institutional level. View the monitoring reports
If you are attending a residential school and have specific requirements related to observing your religion or belief please make your needs known when booking a place at residential school. Learn more
A multi-faith prayer room is located at the Walton Hall Campus for individuals or small groups who wish to pray together, or for those seeking peace for quiet contemplation.
Although not all regional and national centres can provide a dedicated room, individual requests for facilities for prayer will be accommodated where possible.
This website contains information about student forums set up and run by students and includes forums related to culture and religion such as beliefs, Christian fellowship, pagan, prayer circle, and religious studies. OUSA Live
The University has a number of staff networks related to religion or belief:
OU staff have access to the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which is a support/counselling service provided by PPC Worldwide for the OU. The EAP covers a range of issues such as sickness, family issues, finances etc.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes