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Political Opinion

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Political opinion is an equality category in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act, and may include:

  • Opinions relating to the conduct of the government of the state, or matters of public policy, or the absence or supposed absence of any, or any particular political opinion
  • Opinions such as membership of the ‘broad left’ of a trade union.

As defined in the Fair Employment and Treatment Order (FETO) 1998 2 (4) - "a person's political opinion does not include an opinion which consists of or includes approval or acceptance of the use of violence for political ends connected with the affairs of Northern Ireland, including the use of violence for the purpose of putting the public or any section of the public in fear."

Equality law

Find out more about political opinion equality law in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Learn more

Policy & guidance

We have provided an overview of our political opinion policy and guidance information. Learn more

OU resources

You may be interested in some of the resources we provide for our staff and students. Learn more

External resources

You may be interested in this useful web link to organisations with political opinion information. Learn more

photographer: Andy Pini