Smarter searching with library databases
Monday, 17 March, 2025 - 19:30
Learn how to access library databases, take advantage of the functionality they offer, and devise a proper search technique.
We regularly involve you in assessing our services and resources. Gathering both quantitative and qualitative data enables us to understand your concerns about our services and explore ways in which we can improve things.
In this short 'You said, we did video' you can find out about some of the changes we have made as a result of your feedback:
SPEAKER: George was studying an arts module at The Open University. He said in a library interview, that the library wasn't very visible from student home.
It always took him a while to find the library website.
George is studying his next module with The Open University.
Now he can find the library really quickly from his module website, and from student home. Wherever he is studying, he can access the library.
George said he couldn't find resources relevant to his subject on the library website.
He finds the new layout much easier to use. He sees the list of art history resources, and quickly finds e-books relevant to his TMA. He finds the new contact details for the library help desk eye-catching.
George is one of many OU students who study all over the globe.
So you can sometimes feel isolated.
He said he wanted to be part of a community.
So we introduced Facebook Live events.
There he meets a librarian, Helen, and many of his fellow students.
They all learn more about the library together.
The changes we have made as a result of your feedback helps us deliver the most up to date library services and resources for your studies.
Thank you for all your feedback so far. We're excited for what you'll tell us next.
Your experience matters to us! We use your feedback to develop Library services and resources to ensure we are student-focused. A few ways we gather your input:
Surveys - These help us to find out about your study experiences, what you feel has worked well and where you think there could be improvements. Surveys include:
Panels and discussions –Library Services is committed to working with you to improve existing services and resources and to develop new ones. We work with our Library Student Panel on a variety of projects and also learn a lot about the student experience during our Student Shadowing days.
Examples of the types of research activity include website usability testing, telephone interviews, online surveys and forums. Some recent projects include:
We welcome all your comments about the wide range of Library services as your views are a key part of the discussions about developing services for the future and ensuring the best possible services for today.
Monday, 17 March, 2025 - 19:30
Learn how to access library databases, take advantage of the functionality they offer, and devise a proper search technique.