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‘Full text available’ links in new Library Search

In our current Library Search, when you are in a full record* and select the ‘Full text available’ link, it takes you directly to the resource.

full text available - open link in new window
Full text available - open link in new window

In the new version of Library Search, due to launch 7 February 2022, this link will take you to another section of the full record, entitled ‘View Online’ where there are links to view the resource via all available routes.

Full text available - Scroll to view online
Full text available - Scroll to view online

*The full record is what you see when you select a resource title in your search results. It gives more information about the item, and more options.

To see an example of a full record and how the ‘Full text available’ link differs in the new Library Search, please view the video below.

In our current Library Search, clicking on “Full text available” in the full record takes you straight to the resource

In the new Library Search, clicking on “Full text available” in the full record takes you to the View Online section

You can then click on any of the links to get to the resource