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A graph showing the effect of cuts to legal aid.

Legal aid cuts prevent the police from being held accountable for their actions

James Mehigan explores how cuts to legal aid harm the accountability of the police in today's blog.

17th May 2016
A document that says '21,000 children give evidence in court each yet. But with only 94 registered intermediaries, most don't get this support.

Supporting young offenders in the courtroom

Today's article has been written by Nicola Brace, who explores initiatives to help young offenders in a courtroom context.

26th April 2016
An abandoned brown building with items on balconies.

Occupying Turin: refugees breathe life into abandoned buildings of Olympic village

In this post, Victoria Canning and Evgenia Iliadou discuss the occupation of abandoned buildings by refugees in Turin.

7th April 2016
Ground level view of a glass skyscraper in London.

Banking Crimes without End

In this month's blog, Steve Tombs explores how banking crimes produce a range of victimisation and social harms.

14th March 2016
A drawing of three women with the word 'Salvage' underneath.

Six key messages about sexual violence in UK activist communities

The Salvage research project listens to survivors of activist sexual violence: Julia Downes examines what they’ve learned.

8th February 2016
A book cover showing a prison cell with light coming through the bars, with text that says 'Convict Criminology: Inside and Out, Rod Earle'.

What is Convict criminology?

The first of this year's blogs is by Rod Earle, who outlines a new school of convict criminology.

14th January 2016
Three young people on swings in a park.

Is there a link between youth poverty and crime? The answers may surprise you

In this post, Ross Fergusson explores the connections between poverty, crime, and youth.

9th November 2015
A white audi car.

Volkswagen: a routine case of corporate-state harm production

This article is by Steve Tombs, who explores the recent falsified emissions testing by Volkswagen.

15th October 2015
Cover of a book showing a fence and text that states 'Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography'.

Pushing the boundaries of prison ethnography

Deborah Drake, Rod Earle and Jennifer Sloan explore how prison ethnography can be expanded in this post.

13th October 2015

How to improve identification evidence: Practitioner hits and academic false alarms.

In this blog, Graham Pike and Virginia Harrison discuss how to improve identification evidence.

28th September 2015