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A wall that contains a repeated pattern, and that says 'When Injustice Becomes law Resistance Becomes Duty.

When Justice is (not) blind…

In this post, Evgenia Iliadou explores the nature of Greek justice through several cases of unfair treatment in the Greek justice system.

7th August 2017
Bandages that say 'We Love RED TAPE. It's your choice. Red tape or more bloody bandages?'

Dangerous Times: health and safety protections under attack

In this month's article, Steve Tombs investigates threats to health and safety law.

11th July 2017
Charred remains of the Grenfell Tower apartment block.

This is What Austerity Looks Like

This post about austerity and the Grenfell Tower fire comes from Joanna Mack.

26th June 2017
Close up of the charred remains of the Grenfell Tower apartment block.

One law for the poor at Grenfell Tower

In austerity Britain, can justice and accountability be served for the victims of the Grenfell fire? Or are our laws already too much shaped to the needs of the business class? Steve Tombs and David Whyte discuss.

22nd June 2017
A facility showing a large chimney with smoke coming out of it.

Undoing Social Protection

In this article, Steve Tombs discusses the repeal of social protections.

15th June 2017
A person sleeping on concrete stairs.

Austerity’s impact on rough sleeping and violence

Today's article by Daniel McCulloch explores violence when rough sleeping and it's connection to the politics of austerity.

12th June 2017
Grafitti that says 'The Banks are the real criminals'.

Asylum and austerity: a means to separate the ‘should haves’ and the ‘should have nots’

In this post, Victoria Canning exposes the relationship between asylum and austerity.

6th June 2017
A man sleeping on a park bench.

Abolitionism in Question(s): Part Two

In the second part of this two part blog post, Deborah H. Drake and David Scott explore more questions relating to prison abolitionism.

5th June 2017
Text saying 'The Institute of Employment Rights'.

This is how we can properly protect the health and safety of workers

In this article, Phil James, Steve Tombs, David Walters and David Whyte provide possible improvements to health and safety law.

2nd June 2017
A white man holding a red briefcase.

Government austerity demands that we die within our means

Victoria Cooper and David Whyte explore the death toll and austerity in today's post.

31st May 2017

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