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An itinerary for the 'A Matter of Life and Death' conference printed on a white sheet of paper.

Prisons and Matters of Life and Death

In today's post, Deborah H. Drake explores the deaths of prisoners in custody.

1st November 2018
A police officer placing handcuffs on a man.

The punitive shift towards the criminalisation of homelessness

Sharon Hartles, one of our MA students in Crime and Justice, explores how homelessness has been criminalised in this week's post.

29th October 2018
Two black markers representing people with a speech bubble above their heads.

Do participatory visual methods give voice?

In today's post, Daniel McCulloch explores participatory visual methods.

16th October 2018
Barbed wire above a concrete wall.

Prisons: Dangerous for Whom?

In this article, Dr David Scott and Professor Joe Sim discuss the dangers of life within prison walls for both prisoners and staff.

21st September 2018
Bird's eye view of San Quentin Prison.

Podcasting through the prison wall: Ear Hustle Season 3

James Mehigan examines the brilliant Ear Hustle podcast in this post, which depicts life in San Quentin Prison.

13th September 2018
A goldfish looking at a sign on a hook that says 'Fake News'.

Gangs and serious youth violence: Is the Centre for Social Justice using statistics responsibly?

In this article, Keir Irwin-Rogers investigates the use of statistics in regards to recent reports on gangs and youth violence.

5th September 2018
A set of three red billboards on vans outside Grenfell Tower that say '71 Dead', 'And Still No Arrests' and 'How Come?'

Grenfell: Mis-Trust, Contempt and the Ongoing Struggle to be Heard

In today's post, Steve Tombs discusses the struggles for residents and others to be heard nearly a year on from the Grenfell fire.

14th June 2018
A sign that says 'Hostile Environment Tour'.

Hostile environments and the politics of un-belonging

This article by PhD candidate Anna Colom is a personal reflection on the symposium Hostile Environments: The Politics of (Un)Belonging, co-organised by Victoria Canning, Gabi Kent (Harm & Evidence Research Collaborative) and Umut Erel for the WhoAreWe collaboration at the TATE Exchange.

13th June 2018
Grafitti that says 'Abolish Rape Culture'.

The Injustice of Injustice: Making a feminist complaint and resisting abuses of power within Higher Education institutions

In this post, Julia Downes provides a complaint against the screening of the film Injustice.

22nd May 2018
Theresa May making a face infront of a screen displaying medical results.

Government policy is characterised by being petty and vindictive

Recent 'petty' and 'vindictive' government policy is discussed in this post by David Middleton.

15th May 2018

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