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A set of three red billboards on vans outside Grenfell Tower that say '71 Dead', 'And Still No Arrests' and 'How Come?'

Grenfell: Mis-Trust, Contempt and the Ongoing Struggle to be Heard

In today's post, Steve Tombs discusses the struggles for residents and others to be heard nearly a year on from the Grenfell fire.

14th June 2018
A sign that says 'Hostile Environment Tour'.

Hostile environments and the politics of un-belonging

This article by PhD candidate Anna Colom is a personal reflection on the symposium Hostile Environments: The Politics of (Un)Belonging, co-organised by Victoria Canning, Gabi Kent (Harm & Evidence Research Collaborative) and Umut Erel for the WhoAreWe collaboration at the TATE Exchange.

13th June 2018
Grafitti that says 'Abolish Rape Culture'.

The Injustice of Injustice: Making a feminist complaint and resisting abuses of power within Higher Education institutions

In this post, Julia Downes provides a complaint against the screening of the film Injustice.

22nd May 2018
Theresa May making a face infront of a screen displaying medical results.

Government policy is characterised by being petty and vindictive

Recent 'petty' and 'vindictive' government policy is discussed in this post by David Middleton.

15th May 2018
Abandoned plastic dinghies on a beach.

Border Crossing Monuments

In this blog post, Evgenia Lliadou briefly explores several monuments to border crossings.

9th February 2018
A lineup of men wearing superhero outfits.

The own-race bias in eyewitness identification

In the first of many posts this year, Catriona Havard explores own race bias as it pertains to identification by eyewitnesses.

22nd January 2018
A protest with signs that say 'Justice for Grenfell'.

Grenfell: unfolding dimensions of harm

In the final article of this year, Steve Tombs examines the many different harms the Grenfell fire caused.

14th December 2017
A set of buildings and roads with people training in the background.

When Prison Means Life: Child Lifers and the Pains of Imprisonment*

This month's post contains a paper originally given in the House of Commons by David Scott on child prisoners.

27th November 2017
Artwork that says 'Build communities not prisons'.

Build communities, not prisons

In today's article, Deborah H. Drake and David Scott explore the human and economic costs of building prisons.

15th August 2017
A protest with signs that say 'Justice for Grenfell'.

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry

Steve Tombs provides his response to the consultation by The Chair of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry into its terms of reference.

7th August 2017

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