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The 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Scholarship Success Stories – Innovation Through Community

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 12:00 to Thursday, May 12, 2022 - 15:15
Via Microsoft Teams

This year’s event takes place over two days and includes a mixture of short oral talks, workshops and interactive poster presentations showcasing the innovative scholarship work conducted by STEM colleagues.

Day one will feature a panel conversation reflecting on the interactions within and between stakeholder communities in fostering innovation, carrying out scholarship, and in driving impactful change of practice.

We are delighted to welcome keynote presentations by David White, Head of Digital Education and Academic Practice at the University of the Arts London, and Cate Cropper from the Central Teaching Laboratory based at the University of Liverpool.

We will be awarding a prize for the best interactive poster presentation and celebrating excellence in eSTEeM projects with the annual eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards, now in its fifth year.

We look forward to welcoming you on the 11-12 May.

@OU_eSTEeM #eSTEeMConf22

PowerPoint Presentations

Day One Opening Keynote Presentation

David White, University of the Arts London - You can't repeat the past: Community and placemaking in the distributed university

Parallel Session A

Louise MacBrayne, Jennie Bellamy, Elaine McPherson and Angela Richards - Black student experience on S112: improving a Level 1 STEM module

Andrew Potter, Diane Butler, Clem Herman, Nicole Lotz, Daphne Chang and Peter Wood - STEM Inclusive Curriculum Project

Fidele Mutwarasibo, Tracie Farrell, Miriam Fernandez, Martin Hlosta and Vaclav Bayer - Closing the Awarding Gap

Parallel Session B

Gemma Warriner and Andy Diament - Improving students' engagement with Python

Karen Kear, Helen Donelan and Jon Rosewell - Synchronous Online Learning: Addressing the Challenges of Student Engagement

Jenny Duckworth and Harriet Kopinska - Tutor and student experiences of marking grids for assessment on a Level 3 interdisciplinary module

Parallel Session C

Cath Brown and Susan Pawley - Building a sense of community through social activities on MST124

Janet Haresnape - Employability skills gained through engagement with practical investigations

Martin Braun, Ian Bates, Keith Carter, Joanne Holford and Katherine Kirk - Investigating how to enhance the idea generation process for academic projects by engineering students

Parallel Session D

John Butcher and Rehana Awan - How do we talk about race and mental health?

Day Two

Parallel Session E

Rachel Hilliam, Carol Calvert, Emma Steele and Di Haigney - Statistical anxiety: will qualification focussed student support help?

Cath Brown and Catherine Halliwell - Extensions - student use, impact, and implications

Chris Gardner, Michael Bowkis and Alexis Lansbury - Early Start for TM470 project students

Karen New and Fiona Moorman - L markers on TMAs: better late than never?

Parallel Session F

Ann Grand, Sarah Davies, Trevor Collins and Eileen Scanlon - Alternative fieldwork, "real-world" communities

Mustafa Ali, Magnus Ramage, Zoe Tompkins, Steve Walker, Ray Corrigan, Clem Herman and Andy Hollyhead - Milestones and Challenges in Decolonising Computing

Mark Hall and Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui - Infrastructure for an Online Computing Lab

Tom Olney, Carlton Wood, Anne Higson and Alison Edwards - Evaluating the Impact of Implementing Learning Design Approaches in STEM over 4 Years (July 2017 – July 2021) 

Parallel Session G

Susan Pawley and Sally Organ - Exploring the extent of maths anxiety within the STEM faculty

Lisa Bowers, Elouise Huxor and Theo Philcox - AL Disability Champions; Reflections and actions of a peer-peer disability support group

Nicole Lotz and Muriel Sippel - Embracing the voices of the marginalised learners with a declared mental health disability

Parallel Session H

Trevor Collins - Birds of a Feather Conversations: Generating New Project Ideas

Day Two Closing Keynote Presentation

Cate Cropper, University of Liverpool - The importance of Community in developing the delivery of online labs during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Related resources: 
PDF icon eSTEeM-conference-programme-2022-FINAL.pdf194.83 KB

Conference programme.

eSTEeM YouTube Channel

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and learn more about eSTEeM.

PDF icon eSTEeM-conf-22-booklet-FINAL.pdf1.57 MB

Book of abstracts and conference details.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day One - Introduction, Welcome Address and Day One Opening Keynote

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day One, Parallel Session A

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day One, Parallel Session B

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day One, Parallel Session C

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day One, Parallel Session D, Part 1

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day One, Parallel Session D, Part 2

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day Two, Parallel Session E

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day Two, Parallel Session F

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day Two, Parallel Session G

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day Two, Parallel Session H, Part 1

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day Two, Parallel Session H, Part 1

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022.

11th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2022: Day Two - Day Two Closing Keynote, Awards and Closing Remarks

Watch replays of the sessions from the 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference held on the 11-12 May 2022. Intranet only.

Upcoming Events

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00

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Contact: SRPP

STEMinar Series: eSTEeM Scholarship Showcase - 18th February 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 14:00 to 15:00

Via MS Teams

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