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Embedding Accessibility into the Curriculum: An Accessibility Tool as a Checklist

The Accessibility Tool is currently being piloted on modules presenting in 22B and 22J with the goal of disseminating the final version across OU by 23J. The Accessibility Tool will first focus on FASS-based modules, which Shaz and Vanessa both support, and will be able to draw on a variety of views from MTACs and central academics on usability, engagement as well as increasing awareness on accessibility. Module Teams are encouraged to use the Accessibility Tool and the Inclusivity Tool in parallel when developing the core curriculum.

However, in order for the Accessibility Tool to be user-friendly, robust, and appropriate, we need to evaluate it. We feel that a scholarship project, with an academic, will enable FASS to really develop the Tool, and lead the way in Accessibility across the OU.


1)    To consider how user-friendly the Accessibility Tool is, and how appropriate the prompts are in the context of accessibility.

2)    To review the engagement with the Tool by the Module Teams and consider how engagement can be increased/decreased.

3)    To consider the role of the MTAC and FAC alongside the Accessibility Tool, and consider how the tool supports the MTAC/FAC in their role.

Research Questions

1)    Is the accessibility Tool fit for purpose in the context of usability and in its content?

2)    During the pilot of the Tool, how have Module Teams engaged?

3)    How can MTACs and FACs use the Tool to support them in their role?