By Isabel Fischer, Leda Mirbahai, Lewis Beer, David Buxton, Sam Grierson, Lee Griffin, and Neha Gupta
Having deployed AI in education for several years, by developing, for example, a student-facing AI-based feedback tool for assignments, generative AI has propelled our agenda forwards. The purpose of our community of practice is to support students and educators who want to use AI, to be able to do so in an ethical and meaningful way.
In partnership with other universities and stakeholders, we created a community of practice focused on the use of AI in education. Our aim is to support universities in pivoting towards a culture that embraces the ethical use of AI and facilitates its integration, while being mindful of both the opportunities and risks it brings. Our community of practice builds on several overarching principles:
To work towards the above we created five strands, or sub-groups, with different foci. Figure 1, below, outlines the different strands and shows the relationship between them, starting with more generic and fundamental ‘big questions’ - strand 1 - feeding into strand 4.0 (teaching), strand 2 (assessment), and strand 3 (feedback). All work is underpinned by Ethics and Academic Integrity (strand 5).
If you are interested in joining this community of practice, please contact Isabel (, indicating your strand(s) of interest.
SCiLAB is grateful for this guest blog which was submitted following the joint SCiLAB/Warwick seminar on 23 March 2023, ‘Starting out in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Stories from the Chalk Face - Insights and Innovations’.