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National Student Survey 2025


National Student Survey logoThe National Student Survey (NSS) 2025 is now open, until 30 April 2025. 

This is a UK-wide annual survey that gets sent to a random selection of undergraduate students.

They are usually in their final year, although at the OU, this may vary slightly.

For example, recipients might be studying a level 3 module but not yet be in their final year of study. 


National Student Survey feedback provides The Open University with important insights that we actively use to improve the student experience.

A stat graphic - 1st in Scotland for student satisfactionThe Open University in Scotland ranked first in Scotland for student satisfaction in the 2024 National Student Survey.

Results were published in July 2024.

The survey is administered by the independent market research agency Ipsos MORI.

This is on behalf of the UK Higher Education Funding Bodies and Regulator.

Responses remain anonymous at all times.

Find out what changes The Open University has made based on student feedback from surveys.

Why should students take part?

  • A stat graphic - 89% for student satisfactionThe NSS provides students with the opportunity to provide honest feedback on their student experiences.
  • The feedback will be used to improve the overall student experience at the OU.
  • The results are taken very seriously and used to enhance the quality of our course materials and delivery.
  • Results are used by prospective students, their families and advisors to make decisions on what and where to study.
  • By taking part, current students are helping prospective students make the right choices about what they study.

What happens with the results?

The NSS results are made publicly available to help prospective students, their families and advisors make informed decisions about where and what to study.

Both The Open University and The Open University Students Association actively use the results to improve the student experience.


The survey is open to a random sample of undergraduate students. If you were not approached to respond but would still like to comment on your experience of studying with the OU, find out how to have your say.