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Staff Tutors and Associate Lecturers

Tuition delivery in EEES is facilitated by a team of Associate Lecturers and Staff Tutors who support students in attaining their goals as independent learners.

Associate Lecturers

Associate Lecturers work part time and often have other roles outside of the Open University. Associate Lecturers support students in EEES in the following ways:

  • Delivering correspondence tuition and feedback to help with learning, facilitating assignment and end of module assessment preparation;
  • Offering academic support through face-to face, email, telephone or other electronic teaching methods;
  • Identifying student needs whether for additional support or advice and guidance;
  • Developing student study skills, including transferable skills related to employability;
  • Monitoring student progress, encouraging engagement in tutorial activities and field work where appropriate;
  • Providing study related advice responding to student queries, referring on to the Student Support team where needed.

If you want to find out more about being an Associate Lecturer the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics have produced a Badged Open Course that you can study for free Being an OU Tutor in STEM.

Staff Tutors

Members of a field school in helmets, working at the bottom of a cliff

Associate Lecturers in EEES are managed and supported by the Staff Tutor Team, many of whom are also, or have been, Associate Lecturers. They are ideally placed to support both OU tutors and students.

Staff Tutors also support EEES students directly, responding to queries relating to academic issues that are referred to them by the Associate Lecturers and Student Support Team.

Staff tutors promote and support delivery of excellent tuition through our quality assurance procedures. They also provide regular staff development opportunities for Associate Lecturers and use their specialist knowledge in other roles in the School (e.g. contributing to Module production, presentation, assessment, and scholarship of teaching and learning).

Staff Tutors

Julie Robson, Lead Staff tutor

Julie Robson

Lead Staff tutor


Celebrating our new Professor of Ocean Biogeochemistry, Pallavi Anand

We are celebrating another new professor in EEES, following the promotion of Dr Pallavi Anand to Professor of Ocean Biogeochemistry.

22nd July 2024

Celebrating our new Professor of Planetary Mineralogy, Susanne Schwenzer

We are celebrating a new Professor in EEES. Dr Susanne Schwenzer has recently been promoted to Professor of Planetary Mineralogy.

19th July 2024

Supporting students with dyslexia: an academic’s perspective

10% of the population are dyslexic. My name is Dr Anne Jay, and I am dyslexic. Dyslexia brings challenges that have a considerable impact on OU student success. A key struggle for people with dyslexia is written communication.

20th March 2023
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