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Explore the natural beauty of Britain and Ireland in new BBC / OU programme, Wild Isles

David Attenborough sat on rocks in coastal scene

The Open University (OU) and BBC have announced the upcoming release of a new natural history series, Wild Isles, presented by Sir David Attenborough, and informed by the expertise of OU academics Dr Philip Wheeler and Dr Miranda Dyson. Photo credit: BBC/©Alex Board/Silverback Films

The series has been created in partnership with the RSPB and WWF (UK) and has been filmed over three years using the latest technology to capture the beauty of the British Isles. It makes use of aerial photography to capture the British and Irish countryside from a new perspective, with motion controlled time-lapse sequences to show the passing seasons.

From killer whales to butterflies, viewers will explore the secrets of our Isles with a focus on four key habitats – woodlands, grasslands, freshwater and marine.

Very few natural history programmes have focussed on the beauty of British and Irish countryside, despite it being some of the most diverse and fascinating on the planet. Home to more ancient oak trees than the rest of Europe put together and flower meadows which provide vital refuge for breeding birds and butterflies, landscape that is as crucial as it is fragile.

OU academics Dr Philip Wheeler and Dr Miranda Dyson have supported as consultants on the programme, offering their expert insight in biology and ecology to bring the latest research to life.

Dr Wheeler, Senior Lecturer in Ecology at the OU hopes the programme could improve public interest and knowledge in British and Irish wildlife:

“We are so used to seeing exotic places and species on wildlife documentaries that it is brilliant to see the wildlife of Britain and Ireland presented in this way.

Wild Isles shows how nature closer to home has amazing stories to tell and it is a real privilege to be able to contribute academic expertise from the OU to the series. I hope the public interest this series generates will give wildlife in Britain and Ireland the boost it urgently needs.”

Dr Dyson, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science, commented on the immersive style and beauty of the series:

“It’s sometimes hard to believe that the United Kingdom can offer wildlife spectacles to rival those of any place on Earth. This series gives an eye-opening account of just how diverse, spectacular and interesting the British Isles are, with respect to its unique habitats and the rich diversity of species that they support.

“It uncovers some truly remarkable stories that enrich our knowledge of the wildlife around us – and with knowledge comes an appreciation of its uniqueness and concern for its protection.”

This latest co-production aims to showcase the beauty of the British Isles in a similar way to how the Planet series’ highlighted far corners of the world, such as Green Planet which aired earlier this year in partnership with the OU.

Sir David said:

“In my long lifetime, I have travelled to almost every corner of our planet. I can assure you that in the British Isles, as well as astonishing scenery there are extraordinary animal dramas and wildlife spectacles to match anything I have seen on my global travels.”

Alastair Fothergill, Executive Producer, said:

“I have always wanted to make a landmark series that really does justice to our own extraordinary wildlife. I am sure people will be amazed at what is happening right on their own doorstep”.

Further information

Wild Isles was commissioned by Dr Caroline Ogilvie, Head of Broadcast & Partnerships at the OU and is expected to air in Spring 2023 on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.