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Informal stocktaking

COP26 has been bringing together parties from across the world to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Open University has official observer status at COP26 and is learning from the conference to inform the university’s wider sustainability mission and inspire students and staff to take action. Here are some of the conference’s highlights, as told by our Open University observers. 

COP26 Diary - 11 November: David Edwards, Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

A feature of sessions I've attended is that it's one way traffic: the stage transmitting to a passive audience. The stocktaking plenary was refreshingly different. Alok Sharma outlined progress so far, detailing negotiations that have taken place and the ministers charged with specific tasks. Time is running out, he said, urging all parties to work in a spirit of compromise to achieve the best outcomes.

He then opened the floor to civil society groups to speak. This had clearly been agreed beforehand. Each read a short statement of what they wanted to see in any agreements. There were occasional expressions of gratitude to what was currently in the draft statements, but mostly they detailed the changes, or inclusions.

CAN (Climate Action Network) made it clear that all fossil fuels needed to be phased out and human rights were a concern. Overall, it was a punchy criticism that made clear they were not impressed.

Demand Climate Justice followed with a short message from the Farmers NGO, representative, Richard Bramley. He urged for the role of farming to be fully recognised calling for support for sustainable farming.

The Indigenous Peoples Organisation scrutinised Article 6, calling for differentiation between indigenous and local people.

Local Governments and Municipal Authorities criticised the lack inclusion of local and regional authorities, stressing the need for a multilevel approach.

Trade Union NGOs were focused on the impacts on workers wanting support for just transitions and that countries needed to boost their 2030 NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions). They wanted Global Fund money to be paid and that more money is needed for climate adaptation.

The Women and Gender constituency were critical of pushing back the decision on NDCs to next year and of the Net Zero goals. They stressed that ecosystem protection is important, and Article 6 needs more recognition on indigenous and gender rights.

With one hour still left, Alok Sharma apologised and closed the session early to get back to work. Giving the impression he really wanted to try and achieve a lot today to reduce the negotiating challenges on the last day.