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Open technology-enhanced learning (TEL) and learning at scale for sustainability

Diagram of the usage of: Carbon Literacy Training on OLC

OpenLearn Create (OLC), is an innovative, global learning platform, managed and maintained by Corporate and Commercial in LDS, which enables collaborative development of learning resources. Much of the content responds to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals and is developed in collaboration with organisations working, as the OU is, to ‘create and share knowledge and learning for social and environmental justice’ (the OU vision for sustainability). One example of this is the Carbon Literacy Training offered to all OU staff and students on a fully-funded basis, with almost 800 participants, 350 of whom are now certified as ‘carbon literate’. This is how we did it...

Carbon Literacy Project certification for OU staff and students

Finding a whole day for training in a busy week was proving a challenge for many of our staff and students, however that is the minimum study time to gain valuable Carbon Literacy Project certification, which includes a workplace pledge. So, the Sustainability Office asked OLC for advice and started innovating together to adapt the content into& a 4-hour self-study package in a gated community on OpenLearn Create, to be followed by a 4-hour online interactive session including a workplace pledge linked to the OU sustainability commitments and our internal Sustainability Planning, Action and Reporting Kit (SPARK).

OU collaboration and team work

Responding to the feedback from around 30 learners participating in pilot 8-hour training sessions, the OU team (Victoria, Gabriella, James and Caroline) worked very quickly to convert existing materials into a more ‘Open’ and online learning style. James incorporated activities and quizzes, Gabriella provided images and established the registration process, Victoria found stories to bring the content alive and liaised with our partners, Caroline ensured there were transcripts to enable accessibility and that all the rights processes were completed. We all contributed to a glossary and the OU in Wales team translated this to enable any Welsh medium learners. We ensured links between the online self-study and the interactive session and ran a series of pilots responding to learner feedback. We gained approval from the Carbon Literacy Project then launched and marketed the course internally.


We used an Expression of Interest form and once the self-study was completed, gave places on the interactive sessions. Our partners Students Organising for Sustainability and Change Agents UK provided us with recent graduates who are Carbon Literacy certified trainers and whilst their youth was remarked upon, so was the quality and inclusivity of their training. You can see detailed quotes and testimonials from some of our staff and student learners on our website and the image below shows we received over 1400 Expressions of Interest; with over 700 learners completing the 8-hour training and over 450 becoming Carbon Literacy Project certified.

The Sustainability Office continues to manage the pledge making process through to certification and subsequent follow-up activity, include supporting our learners to become certified Carbon Literacyfacilitators - we now have two members of staff and two student accredited facilitators delivering the course to their colleagues!

If you haven’t completed the Carbon Literacy Training, we recommend you do so to enable you to take climate positive actions in your daily personal and professional life. The OU approach is that ‘sustainability is everyone’s job’, so we provide this training and other learning opportunities to enable upskilling and reskilling of staff and students.

Benefits of the OpenLearn Create Carbon Literacy Training

Learners find it easy to access the self-study materials and go through them at their own pace ahead of the interactive session. They value the hybrid nature of being able to discuss what they have just learned in the interactive sessions with others. The trainers also enjoy the discussions. The team would like to improve use of the online forum and find a way to share pledges to inspire each other with the progress individual learners are making. The training has been effective and popular - with requests from other colleges and universities, leading to ongoing collaboration. From 2024 fully funded monthly Carbon Literacy Training is available to all the OU family.