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Apply for a fully-funded sustainability microcredential course now – Scotland

Apply for a fully-funded sustainability microcredential course now – Scotland. Find the full details of how to apply below. Closing date: 13 February 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for developing key skills in the workforce. The OU are committed to supporting the upskilling and reskilling of individuals and organisations by offering a limited number of free places.

Supported by the Scottish Funding Council Upskilling Fund for people in Scotland, we’re offering the opportunity to study a fully funded microcredential course in a variety of subject areas, including a couple of our sustainability courses.

Climate Change: Transforming your Organisation for Sustainability

This microcredential will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and courage to transform your organisation’s response to the climate and ecological crisis, whatever your level, role or sector, and wherever you are in the world.

You’ll discover the latest scientific facts on climate change and the ecological crisis, and what this means for you using a range of footprinting tools. You’ll also learn to reframe cultural norms, both personally and professionally, by exploring different perspectives and you will reflect on your personal leadership style to include the ‘big picture’ view.

Over 10 weeks you’ll take weekly actions for sustainability, practice reflective learning through weekly journaling on the challenges you face and be empowered to become a catalyst for change. You’ll learn how to be inspired by nature, remain optimistic and share ‘facts with feeling’ to deliver impactful change.

The course is designed by Dr Victoria Hands, an experienced sustainability consultant and practitioner with a PhD in implementing sustainable development, with Emma Dewberry, a Senior Lecturer in Design Ecologies at The Open University.

Tackling the Climate Crisis: Innovation from Cuba

 An unexpected source for inspiration, Cuba has had no choice but to find low-cost ways of dealing with decades of crises, disasters, and emergencies, leading to a unique “thrifty innovation” approach that has achieved remarkable results.

Drawing inspiration from distinctive Cuban methodologies, our academic research and holistic view provides an innovation framework to develop your own appropriate, possible, and actionable solutions to tackle climate change.

This unique 10-week microcredential is more than discovering and learning about new innovative ways of tackling the climate crisis. You will be equipped with tools and insights that you can apply to your chosen challenge.

At the end of the course, having explored different perspectives from Cuba, you’ll be invited to share your thoughts and plans for action, using the “thrifty innovation” framework, alongside your new knowledge and skills, to tackle the climate crisis the Cuban way.

How to apply

 Applications for our next set of funded microcredential places are now open. To apply you'll need to be:

  • resident in Scotland
  • a UK citizen or have the legal right to live and work in the UK
  • 18+ years of age.

For the application form and more information on microcredentials available through this fund, visit our funded microcredentials webpage.