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The Centre for Policing Research and Learning has identified a number of online Structured Honours Degrees (BSc or BA) that can be studied part-time or full-time, aimed at specific police-related subjects. Alternatively, police officers and staff can select specific modules of interest, that when combined can form an Open Degree Qualification that is unique for their interests.

Obtaining a Degree can enhance CDP and enable the learner to progress to higher levels of study, thus creating further career opportunities within the Police.

OU Degrees for Policing

There are number of degree-level qualifications that are of direct professional relevance to policing. These qualifications are designed for police officers and staff, including managers working in policing in a variety of capacities.

A degree-level qualification is equivalent to Level 6 in the Police Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF), as recommended by The College of Policing.

If you cannot find a suitable degree from the list below, here is a wider range of OU Honours Degree Qualifications.

Open Degree Qualification

If you are looking for a more flexible qualification unique to you, then an OU Open Degree provides the opportunity to build a qualification to suit your personal interest and professional needs.

Structured Honours Degrees (BSc or BA)

Business & Management
Computing & IT
Social Science

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Alternative OU Qualifications

If you are not ready to commit to a degree, than there is a range of alternative OU Qualifications, such as an OU Certificate, OU Diploma, or OU Foundation Degree.

If you are looking for flexibility where you can study any subject you like in combination, you can choose between and OU Open Diploma or an OU Open Certificate.

OU Certificates

Mode: Part-time
Time: 2 Years
Time Limits: 7 Years
Credits: 120

The OU Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) is a widely-recognised qualification, equivalent to the first third of an honours degree. An OU CertHE comprises of 120 Credits, equivalent to one year’s full-time university study and typically takes two years part-time studying 60 credits a year.

If you are interested in a particular subject or wish to develop your career within the police, an OUCert HE demonstrates that you can study successfully at university level. It also counts towards further qualifications such as a Foundation Degree, Diploma or Honours Degree.

Find out about the different subjects see Full List of OU Certificates of Higher Education.

If you do not want to commit to 2 years of study, then there are a selection of OU Certificates that typically take one year part-time studying for 60 credits. See a Full List of OU Certificates.

OU Diploma

Mode: Part-time
Time: 4 Years
Time Limits: 12 Years
Credits: 240

The OU Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) is a highly respected professional qualification, equivalent to the first two thirds of an honours degree, which can be topped up to a full honours degree in just two years.

Find out about the different subjects see Full List of OU Diplomas of Higher Education.

OU Foundation Degrees Mode: Part-time
Time: 4 Years
Time Limits: 12 Years
Credits: 240

An OU Foundation Degree combines work-based learning with academic study, so an ideal qualification to incorporate your police practice with your studies. You can choose between different subject disciplines such as Combined Professional Studies, Computing and IT Practice or Counselling.

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2023 Annual Report

This annual report features a selection of the work undertaken across 2023 which we consider to be highly relevant for the current policing environment.

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