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Online Seminar: New Ideas for Research Projects on Digital Policing Issues

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:30

CPRL members are invited to take part in a creative and interactive online event aimed at generating and clustering new research ideas related to digital policing issues.

You do not have to be an expert in digital policing but simply be interested in exploring research issues in the context of digital policing with colleagues from other police forces and with a multi-disciplinary network of OU academics. At this initial event you only have to float your initial idea and see who else might be interested.

If you would like to present your idea for digital policing research, please contact before 25 January 2024.

Purpose of the event

This CPRL Collaborative online event with ‘sandpit’ format aims to generate and cluster new digital policing research ideas by enabling intensive discussion between a multi-disciplinary group of OU academics and CPRL members with a digital policing interest. We aim to discuss new ideas for potential research projects in and beyond CPRL, based on a series of brief ‘pitches’ which could, for example, outline challenges to the digital policing agenda, new research questions thrown up by initial research, or more developed ideas for deepening current research.

The event will help to match academic and policing partners who are interested in taking specific ideas further and will enable participants to identify synergies between the various ideas put forward. This will also help CPRL and police forces to shape their overall research agenda on digital policing issues.

Format of the event

The event will be highly interactive and focus on discussing ideas related to at least one of the following sub-themes:

  1. AI in policing
  2. Digital solutions in policing
  3. Trust in and legitimacy of digital policing

Each sub-theme will be introduced by a facilitator in three minutes (without any slides). This will be followed by a series of maximum 3 ‘pitches’ highlighting research ideas relevant to that sub-theme, with a maximum duration of 3 minutes (again, no slides). This will be followed by a facilitated in-depth discussion between all participants. At the end of each discussion round, the facilitator will summarise emerging ideas.

Interested? Like to make a 3-minute pitch to present a research idea related to digital policing? Please contact before 25 January 2024.


13.00-13.05 Dr. Elke Loeffler: Introduction to the sand-pit type event

13.05-13.10 Dr. Nick Caveney (TBC): "AI in policing” – Introduction to the theme

13.10-13.25 Presentation of 3 research ideas and discussion

13.25-13.30 Prof. Arosha Bandera (TBC): "Digital solutions to policing” –
                           Introduction to the theme

13.30-13.45 Presentation of 3 research ideas and discussion

13.45-13.50 Dr. Emma Williams (TBC): "Trust in and legitimacy of digital policing” – Introduction to the theme

13.5-14.05 Presentation of 3 research ideas and discussion

14.05-14.25 General discussion

14.25-14.30 Dr. Elke Loeffler: Summary and next steps


2023 Annual Report

This annual report features a selection of the work undertaken across 2023 which we consider to be highly relevant for the current policing environment.

15th May 2024
See all