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Policy & Guidance

Equality Scheme

Protected characteristic

Age is one of the protected characteristics within our Equality Scheme


Open to All

The OU is open to all.  We have students who are in their teens, including Year 12 and 13 school students who are studying OU courses alongside A-levels.  We have students in their 90s and all ages in between.


To ensure children, young people under 18 and vulnerable/protected adults are protected we implement our Safeguarding policy which covers all situations involving contact between anyone working at the University (whether paid or unpaid) and students and under 18s, whether that contact is in person (e.g. in tutorials, day schools, residential schools, field trips) or by any other means (e.g. by email, telephone, online conferencing or correspondence).  Our Safeguarding policy is published on the Essential Documents website

The policy is in line with current safeguarding/ child protection policy, legislation and guidance in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.


Recruitment guidance

The University's Effective Recruitment and Selection Guide  and online  recruitment  training provides practical advice on fair, efficient and effective practice in the recruitment and selection of all categories of staff, in line with our equality and diversity policies. 


The University has retirement policies in place.  They are available to staff on the People Services intranet site and incude:

  • Retirement policy
  • Early retirement policy