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How important have social and solidarity economy organisations been to marginalised populations in gaining both agency and a voice?
New post challenges the global ascendancy of PES schemes, arguing that alternative framings would better sustain environmental management.
As pensions – which make up the biggest portion of the UK's welfare budget – hit the headlines again, Jonquil Lowe explains the 'triple lock'.
New framework enriches notion of ecosystem services to ensure more attention is paid to needs of local stakeholders.
Although the UK inflation rate has leapt to 2.3%, Alan Shipman investigates why the government is secretly happy.
A Conversation blogpost from Jerome De Henau argues that women have borne the brunt of government austerity policies since 2010.
There's a need to ensure social media isn't used to incite violence, but can governments also be prevented from restricting citizens' rights?
Despite their potential, the challenge of overcoming the gap between availability and affordability for low-income populations remains.
As Donald Trump pushes ahead with his plan, Shonil Bhagwat argues we should be building wildlife bridges on the US-Mexico border – not walls.
After RBS fails the Bank of England's stress tests, Alan Shipman explores why eight years of economic recovery haven't cured the banking woes.
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