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How might spatial models and analyses help overcome longstanding issues related to development?
Hammond has taken an oddly similar stance to former shadow chancellor Ed Balls: running a deficit and boosting infrastructure spending.
Rather than fraud, the biggest cyber security concern for many Tanzanians is the risk of inadvertently becoming a perpetrator of politically-defined cybercrime.
The UN Habitat III conference sees calls for research to make sure that people – not profit – are at forefront of local implementation practices.
Local production of medicines can create a win-win situation for health and employment.
A common cry from regulators is that customers must shop around for the best offer – but research shows households rarely look for a better banking deal.
As the Bank of England cuts interest rates to a historic low of 0.25% and injects further quantitative easing, Jonquil Lowe explores the potential effects.
As Ecuador responds to its worst humanitarian disaster in decades, will govt follow a top-down, or a more participatory, reconstruction approach?
One of the worst-hit countries during the financial crisis has regained economic strength inside a gilded cage – which it can now melt down to re-sell the gold.
New report shows millions in the UK are denied essential financial services because of disability, disease and age.
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