Using Library Search for your assignment
Monday, 23 September, 2024 - 12:30
Learn how to find specific resources and how to find information on a topic using Library Search.
All Open University staff and students can access the full range of the library's online resources using their usual OU computer username and password. To borrow physical items from the library at Walton Hall staff and students must register separately. For staff borrowing rights will be added to your ID card. Students will receive a library card which you should bring with you when using the library
Help on how to use online resources and on how to borrow, renew and return items at Walton Hall is available from Help & Support.
Students and staff who require access to physical materials and are not able to visit the library in Milton Keynes can arrange to visit Libraries near you.
Library Services requires all customers to abide by our Terms and Conditions.
OU Retired staff and Alumni who would like to borrow from the physical collections at Walton Hall should complete the online registration service form. Your library record will be created and when you come into the Library the Staff on the Enquiries will be able to print your OU Library card
Alumni joining the Walton Hall Library will not have access to licensed online resources, but can still use a wide range of publicly available resources. Retired staff retain access to a selection of the Library's online resources.
Help on how to use online resources and on how to borrow, renew and return items at Walton Hall is available from Help & Support.
Students and staff from universities which are members of the SCONUL Access scheme can join the OU Library and borrow materials. If your home institution provides Eduroam WiFi you will be able to use it in the Library at Walton Hall, providing you have set up EduRoam prior to visiting the OU Library
Please bring a valid SCONUL Access approval email and your current University library ID card or Student Card with you. The Staff on the Enquiries Desk will be able to print your OU library card for you on the day of your visit. An OU library card will allow you to borrow items from our print collection using the self-issue machines.
Monday, 23 September, 2024 - 12:30
Learn how to find specific resources and how to find information on a topic using Library Search.