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Here you can find all the latest publications emerging from MIAG, as well as related articles, books and reports produced by the project team.

Journal article - 18 Jun 2019
Prof Parvati Raghuram and colleagues highlight the multi-directional and complex nature of cross-border intra-regional migration in Asia using three themes - labour migration, impact of migration on the family, and governance and politics.
Journal article - 13 Jun 2019
This working paper, based on an International Growth Centre project involving MIAG Co-Investigator in Mozambique, Prof. Ines Raimundo, investigates the role of subjective expectations in shaping occupational choices among university students in Mozambique
Book - 11 Jun 2019
A thorough and fascinating study of motivations, relationships and impact of Chinese migrants in Africa co-authored by MIAG members Ben Lampert and Giles Mohan with colleagues May Tan-Mullins and Daphne Chang.