Voices of Practice – Narrative Scholarship from the Margins
Tuesday 16th March 2021
16.00 – 18.00
Microsoft Teams
Places are on a first come basis – tickets are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y3988fk5 For further information contact: wels-praxis@open.ac.uk
PRAXIS is delighted to host this launch event celebrating the publication of ‘Voices of Practice’. This brand-new book emerges from PRAXIS’ ongoing work with Hybrid Pedagogy’s Sean Michael Morris, who has co-edited the volume with the Lucy Rai and Karen Littleton, both from the Faculty of Education, Wellbeing and Language Studies at the Open University.
With contributions from educators who began their work outside of academia, this collection of narratives inspects, interrupts, questions and reconstructs what it means to be a scholar, using reflections, vignettes and carefully examined timelines of intellectual and professional development. The launch event will reflect the diversity of voices represented in the volume and will feature two creative workshop sessions that will enable participants to explore their own scholarship journeys.
Also being launched at this event: 'Writing for Social Work' by Lucy Rai.