Guest Speaker: Katarina Mårtensson
About this session:
A priority for PRAXIS over the coming year is to continue to build a strong academic community actively engaged in SoTL projects. Recent research shows that productive development of educational practices is strongly related to collaboration and the sharing of experiences in local academic communities (Mårtensson & Roxå, 2016). In the first part of this seminar, Katarina will explore the ways in which engaging in collegial peer support can contribute to collaborative problem-solving, (re)shaping of academic cultures, and creating joint inquiry into relevant teaching and learning issues, with the ultimate goal of offering some thoughts on the role of community building in SoTL. This will be followed by an opportunity to reflect together on some of the ways in which our own scholarship work might build further on the principles of community and collegiality. It promises to be an exciting and thought-provoking session, which is open to all.
About our speaker:
We are delighted to welcome Katarina Mårtensson to PRAXIS! Katarina is a senior lecturer and academic developer at Lund University, where her research and practice reflect her interests in social networks, informal learning, organisational change, the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), academic culture and educational leadership. She has been co-president in the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, co-editor of the International Journal for Academic Development and is the current co-editor of Teaching and Learning Inquiry.