Ivan Sudakow and collaborators have been awarded a £12,000 ICMS Research-in-Groups grant for their project Feedback Spin Models: New Fundamental Features and Socioecological Applications.
The research focuses on a new class of spin models, termed Feedback Ising Models (FIM), for studying complex patterns in environmental and social systems. The first aim is to investigate the mathematical and physical features of these new models. Later, these models will be applied to understand the dynamics of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice and the ice-albedo feedback mechanism in climate change. Another key goal will be to explore the potential of these models to analyse social and ecological systems.
The project is a collaborative effort between mathematicians and physicists from both the UK (Ivan Sudakow, Open University, and Yiping Ma, Northumbria University) and the USA (Paul Krapivsky, Boston University), aiming to contribute to environmental studies and mathematical challenges in humanities.