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News Reports & Clippings 2023-24

News reports & Clippings 2023 (Numbers 613-) 
This irregular newsletter is based entirely on reports and articles published elsewhere, and is the personal responsibility of Joseph Hanlon. Subscribe (free).
If you need to cite it for academic purposes, treat it as a blog. The normal citation format would be:
"Mozambique News Reports & Clippings, number XXX", DATE,, accessed XXX.


Mozambique 639-640 - 16 July 2024 - IMF imposes wages cuts, austerity, mineral-only economy

Mozambique 638 - 26 June 2024 - Donors steal electric battery jobs from Mozambique

Mozambique 637 - 23 June 2024 - 20 year plan (ENDE) admits huge increase in poverty in past decade - ENDE Estratégia Nacional de Desenvolvimento 2025-2044

Mozambique 636 - 14 May 2024 (corrected 16 May) - Macomia major attack, food raid

Mozambique 635 - 12 May 2024 - Cabo Delgado Civil War special report 2

Mozambique 634 -  6 May 2024 - Freliimo chooses presidential candidate

Mozambique 633 - 22 February 2024 - Cabo Delgado Civil War special report 1

Mozambique 632 - 4 Jan 2024 - Elections intentionally discredited - Cabo Delgado war, cholera, and profit OMR DR260Eng Feijo Cabo Delgado

Mozambique 631 - 2 Oct 2023 - More than $500mn of secret debt cancelled.

Mozambique 630 - 23 May 2023 - Total calls for development foundation that keeps 'the regimes' officials at arm's length

Mozambique 629 - 1 May 2023 - Total says 'no hurry'; combined security and development zone?

Mozambique 628 - 23 April 2023 - Quelimane police chief sacked; LAM; BRT; 5000 half built classrooms

Mozambique 627 - 12 April 2023 - Graça Machel speaks out - video and article translations;

Mozambique 626 - 10 April 2023 - Poverty jumps  - national mission? - World Bank & Service jobs - Severino Ngoenha calls for dialogue

Mozambique 625 - 2 April 2023 - $35bn for climate mitigation, Mpanda Nkuwa bidders, Karpower, CreditSuisse, Renamo-Frelimo from Zitamar

Mozambique 624 - 30 March 2023 - Climate & Freddy; Pascoal Mucombi dies; Fear of youth coup?

Mozambique 623 - 23 March 2023 - Police say NGOs, party leaders and media joined youth to promote violence; police national deputy commander Fernando Tsucana statement and video

Mozambique 622 - 20 March 2023 - Police attack young people paying homage to Assagaia - Video of police throwing marcher into van and beating him on18 March. Video of protest in from of Ministry of Interior 20 March.

Mozambique 621 - 18 March 2023 - Celso Correia and SETSAN Segurança alimentar pós-colheita de 2022 

Mozambique 620 - 13 March 2023 - Freddy hits Quelimane, Mpanda Nkuma rights, Inhambane beach sands, debt documents

Mozambique 619 - 6 March 2023 - Cyclone Freddy returns, Totaland

Mozambique 618 - 

Mozambique 617 - 19 February 2023 - insurgents cut both roads north; more flooding

Mozambique 616 - 12 February 2023 - diplomats keep mum, Total in no hurry, Boane flood

Mozambique 615 - 5 February 2023

Mozambique 614 - 11 January 2023 - cocaine, cut top wages, war, provincial mismanagement, no local gain

Mozambique 613 - 8 January 2023 - kidnap death; Russia & China; reports - inequality, gold, rice