Film Synopses 2006, Nollywood Project

Please note the following are in alphabetical order:

Paradise of shame (2006)

Directed by Nnamdi Odunze
Actors: Chioma Chukwuma, Nkiru Siolvanus, Sandra Achums

Summary: A University student, the only son of a chief, falls in love with a secondary school girl from a poor background. The boy’s parents refuse to accept the girl. The boy is later caught up in a street robbery, falsely accused and jailed, butt bailed out by his father. His parents later get ruined following an armed robbery in which the son looses the money his father had sent him to collect. The boy eventually gets separated from the girl who marries someone else.

Snake Girl 1 & 2 (2006)

Language: English/Igbo
Subtitled: no
Directed by Emeka Hill Umeasor

Summary: Ike is the greatest hunter of his generation. He embarks on getting rid of the queen of snakes to protect his village from bites. Unknown to him, he soon gets stalked by the snake girl, sent on a mission to kill him and his family as a revenge. His stubbornness and easy-going attitude nearly destroy him, but he eventually manages to destroy the snake empire. A film about love, moon plays and traditional beliefs. Location: Nsukka & Jos.