Using Library Search for your assignment
Wednesday, 9 April, 2025 - 13:00
Learn how to find specific resources and how to find information on a topic using Library Search.
This page contains advice and help for using Library Search with a screen reader. If you are looking for full information about the accessibility of Library Search, you can view the Library Search accessibility statement.
UPDATE: There is currently an issue using NVDA (Firefox) with Library Search. When you do a search and go to the results region of the page, currently the only command that is working is the Tab key. None of the reading commands are working in the search results region. We are working with the thrid party supplier of the software used to provide Library Search and hope to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
You can use the tab key to navigate the results list, to access the links to the full record for each item, and the full text link where available:
Each title in the results list is marked up as a heading (level 3), and so one way to navigate the results page is either to bring up a list of headings on the page and work through them (JAWs Insert + F6) or use the command to navigate by headings on the page (JAWs H).
There are a number of options available under the “Filter my results” heading which you can use if you want to narrow down your results. For example, Availability (including whether it is available in full text online), Resource type (e.g. newspaper articles, ebooks) and Subject.
If you only want to filter your results by one option (e.g. Full Text Online), it is best to tab past the checkbox for that filter option, and use the adjacent button instead. That way the filter will be applied instantly, and you won’t need to navigate to the "Apply Filters" button to apply the filter to your results.
If you want to use more than one filter option (e.g. Full Text Online and Newspaper Articles) you will need to select your filters using the relevant check boxes, and when you have finished you will need to use the “Apply filters” button. Here’s one way to do it (using JAWs):
The “Reset filters” button will remove all filters that you have applied to your search:
You can add any of the items in your results list to your “My Favourites” list. When you go to My Favourites anything that you’ve selected will be listed there.
If, after reading this page, you still have queries about using the service, please contact the Library Helpdesk on +44 (0)1908 659 001 complete a query form or chat to a member of OU library staff during our opening hours using our Webchat service.
Wednesday, 9 April, 2025 - 13:00
Learn how to find specific resources and how to find information on a topic using Library Search.