Couple Relationships in the 21st Century
The Strategy and Advisory Groups comprise policy makers, practitioners and researchers working in the fields of families and personal relationships. The management structure is designed to maintain close links and continuing dialogue with third sector organisations, government departments and academic research centres throughout the duration of the project, to facilitate debate and information-sharing. This will ensure that our research agenda is attuned to contemporary theoretical and methodological debates and remains up-to-date with policy developments and government thinking.
The purpose of the Strategy Group is to ensure that the project remains policy relevant and that the research questions we address are pertinent to current and/or emergent developments in the field, notably government thinking and third sector interventions around supporting couple relationships.
The Advisory Group provides expertise and research experience that will be drawn upon to manage any particular substantive, methodological and ethical issues that may arise during the course of the research.
For further details on the project and all media enquiries, please contact:
Professor Jacqui Gabb
Chair of Sociology and Intimacy
The Open University
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences and Global Studies
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes