Enduring Love?

Couple Relationships in the 21st Century

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Government departments

To ensure that the project remains in touch with current policy developments and government thinking, we have interviewed and maintain a dialogue with various government departments.

The project is concerned with how existing policy and emerging policy developments affect couple relationships. We will, therefore, be providing regular updates about changes in legislation and policy making as a way of facilitating debate and information-sharing between academics, practitioners and policy makers, at both local and national levels.

Details about government departments with interests in this area include:

Department of Health

The DoH is responsible for policy developments in parenting, family support, health and wellbeing.

Department of Health website

Department for Education

The DoE is responsible for education and children’s services including sex and relationship education.

Department for Education website

HM Treasury

The agenda of Her Majesty's Treasury is vast and ranges from social reform to financial stability at home and abroad; from promoting competition and enterprise to improving public services.

HM Treasury website

Contact us

For further details on the project and all media enquiries, please contact: 

Principal Investigator

Professor Jacqui Gabb

Chair of Sociology and Intimacy



The Open University
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences and Global Studies
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes