Couple Relationships in the 21st Century
The research team is part of a network of UK, Scandinavian, Australian and North American colleagues with research interests in this field.
These networks include academics working in research centres and academic institutes.There are a range of Centres which bring together research on personal relationships and family lives and which, thereby, have close connections to our work.
The Open University
The Centre is an inter-disciplinary institution whose primary goal is to conduct and promote research, dialogue, and debate that contributes to a greater understanding of the manifold connections between notions of citizenship, processes of identity formation and practices of governance in the contemporary world.
Families and Relationships Programme
University of Manchester
The Morgan Centre was established in 2005 as a focus for research in the fields of family life, contemporary relationships, parenting and partnering and childhood.
Morgan Centre for the Study of Relationships and Personal Lives website
University of Edinburgh
The CRFR produces, stimulates and disseminates social research on families and relationships across the lifecourse.
Centre for Research on Families and Relationships website
University of York
The Social Policy Research Unit has an international reputation for excellence in research in social policy, especially health and social care, poverty, welfare and social work.
Social Policy Research Unit website
University of Leeds
Timescapes is an ESRC funded multi-university research programme that uses longitudinal research to study relationships between parents, grandparents, siblings, children, partners, friends and lovers.
Lund University (Sweden)
Research at the School of Social Work in Lund is concerned with welfare and social policy, child welfare, the elderly and the aging process, social problems, human services organisations, civil society and the welfare professions.
Örebro University (Sweden)
GEXcel is an inter-university Institute of Thematic Gender Studies based at Linköping and Örebro Universities. It advances transnational and transdisciplinary research on intersectionalities and embodiment, including research on love, sexuality and gender relations.
Centre for Gender Excellence website
London South Bank University
The Families and Social Capital Research Group focuses on the relationship between family change and community connections in different circumstances and localities.
For further details on the project and all media enquiries, please contact:
Professor Jacqui Gabb
Chair of Sociology and Intimacy
The Open University
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences and Global Studies
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes