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National Elections 2024 Eleições Gerais

2024 General Elections Calendar - 1 February 2024 version 

Proposals to change electoral laws and Frelimo response March 2024          

Election Bulletins in English sometimes combine two bulletins in Portuguese, and carry a double number.


Election Bulletin 294 - 17Sep24 - Nyusi and Momade confirm negotiations over electoral fraud

Election Bulletin 293 - 15Sep24 - Chaotic law changes, possible fraud cuts, electoral court system

Election Bulletin 291-292 - 14Sep24 -  Pressure on opposition and obsevers (Manual for polling station staff - 21Mb)

Election Bulletin 289-290 - 10Sept24 - School closure backlash; ordered to greet candidate's wife at 6am

Election Bulletin 288a CIP statement - 9Sept24 - Will criticisms of Venezuela's election change how Mozambique's election is seen?

Election Bulletin 285-288 - 8Sept24 - Teaching or campaigning?  Frelimo polling station heads

Election Bulletin 283-284 - 4Sept24 - Government agencie summos business to Frelimo meeting; Frelimo worried about Mondlane.

Election Bulletin 281-282 - 2Sep24 - Teachers & civil servants forced to campaign for Frelimo

Election Bulletin 279-280 - 29Aug24 - Schools closed, competition without conflict

Election Bulletin 278 - 27Aug24 - CIP correspondent detained by UIR; teachers abandon classes

Election Bulletin 277 - 25Aug24 - Campaign opens - Cabout Delgado, violence, posters, cars

Election Bulletin 276 - 29July24 - President does not explain veto so AR cannot review vetoed recount law

Election Bulletin 275 - 18July24 - CNE rejects Mondlane's parliamentary candidates

Election Bulletin 274 - 11July24 - CC rules CNE acted illegally, causing delay to candidates lists

Election Bulletin 272-273- 12June24 - CNE violates constitution by trying to stop campaigning

Election Bulletin 270-1 - 10June24 - CNE approves fake registratioin of 900,000 voters

Election Bulletin 269 - 9June24 - Nyusi vetos election law allowing district recounts, ensuring 9 Oct victory. Nyusi statement.

Election Bulletin 268 - 4June24 - Will CNE approve organised criime of 1.2mn voters who do not exist? - STAE registration data for all districts and our ghost voters calculations for 5 provinces and districts

Election Bulletin 267 - 30May24 - CNE owes $54mn so vendors won't supply

Election Bulletin 266 - 16May24 - Ghosts have 7 seats in parliament

Eleciton Bulletin 264-265 - 20May24 - CC and CNE still insisting on wrong dates

Election Bulletin 263 - 10May24 - CNE press conference and parties list - registration deadlines. Explanation of seat assingment error in the law and need for d'Hondt.

Election Bulletin 262 - 2May24 - CNE admits 587,941 ghost voters - STAE report

AR proposed changes to electoral laws - 30 Apr 2024 - 2/2019 President and AR and 3/2019 provincial

Election Bulletins 257-261 - 30Apr24 - Registration ends with some queues; registering children, Malawians, Zimbabweans

Election Bulletins 253-256 - 28Apr24 - Ghosts - Gaza, Inhambane

Election Bulletin 252 - 23Apr24 - STAE destroys evidence of crime; Mais Integridade observer reports

Election Bulletins 250-251 - 20Apr24 - Cabo Delgado war impact

Election Bulletin 248 - 17Apr24 - Nampula registration manipulation - Nampula CPE first 30 days with errors - Our full table on first 30 days with CPE errors corrected

Election Bulletin 246 - 15Apr24 - In parliament, battle for control between Constitutional Council and High Court

Election Bulletins 243-245 - 13Apr24 - Fake machine breakdowns to not register opposition in Alto Molocue

Election Bulletin 242 - 9Apr24 - AR discussion of electoral law changes

Election Bulletins 238-241 - 9Apr24 - CNE report registration 1st 24 days; other notes

Election Bulletins 236-7 - 5Apr24 - survey shows 12% of posts not working; Problems with credentials continue

Election Bulletins 234-5 - 31Mar24 - Intimidation of correspondents - more rain and misconduct

Election Bulletins 232-3 - 28Mar24 - Choosing presidential candidates only in March; no press credentials; Frelimo priority

Election Bulletin 231 - 26Mar24 - heavy rain in Maputo and cloud elsewhere distrupt registration

Election Bulletins 229-230 - 24Mar24 - no credentials in 4 provinces; torrential rain; Frelimo interference - Eleições Autárquicas 230, Eleições Autárquicas 229

Election Bulletins 226-228 - 23Mar24 - First week registration STAE statement (Pt), Renamo statement (Pt+En) - Eleições Autárquicas 226, Eleições Autárquicas 227, Eleições Autárquicas 228

Election Bulletins 223-225 - 19Mar24 -Registration issues - CIP credential problems

Election Bulletin 222 - 16Mar24 - Registration opens

Election Bulletin 221 - 15Mar24 - Municipal elections complete results

Election Bulletiin 220 - 7Mar24 - STAE moves on corrupt; More registration bigades in Frelimo areas - list of posts by province and district

Election Bulletin 219 - 19Feb24 - Special Report - 25 years of electoral fraud

Election Bulletin 218 - 14Feb2024 - Renamo wants longer prison sentences for electoral crimes.

Election Bulletin 217 - 13Feb24 - Renamo election law change proposals to AR; MDM proposals

Elections Bulletin 216 - 7Feb24 - CNE releases new calendar

Election Bulletin 215 - 26Jan24 - Nampula court denies order to suspend mayor - decisions  - Eleições Autárquicas 215 

Election Bulletin 214 - 23Jan24 Renamo accepts impossibly tight time to submit candidates  - Eleições Autárquicas 214

Election Bulletin 213 -  14Jan24 - Frelimo calls for special AR session  - Eleições Autárquicas 213

Elections Bulletins 211-212 - 14Jan2024 - 10 laws force rainy season registration - Eleições Autárquicas 211 - Eleições Autárquicas 212

Election Bulletin 210 - 8Jan24 - Renamo battle over leadership and $1mn/y - Eleições Autárquicas 210