CC Official elections results 22 December 2024
CC full list of AR members by province and party, without vote details
CNE official elections results 24 October 2024
Full list of AR candidates by party and province as published by CNE
Full list of AR parties, candidates as in BR
2024 General Elections Calendar - 1 February 2024 version
Proposals to change electoral laws and Frelimo response March 2024
AR proposed changes to electoral laws - 30 Apr 2024 - 2/2019 President and AR and 3/2019 provincial - vetoed by President Nyusi
Approved new laws - 15/2024 (President and AR) and 14/2024 (provincial)
District count regulations Deliberação 94/CNE/2024 de 20 de setembro
Election Bulletins in English sometimes combine two bulletins in Portuguese, and carry a double number.
Election Bulletin 361 - 14Jan25 - No top people for Chapo inauguration; appeal against deestroying ballot papers; 300 dead
Election Bulletin 360 - 12Jan25 - CIP + Plataforma appeal to UN and Council of Europe
Election Bulletin 359 - 11Jan25 - Portuguese parliament says reject Moz election
Election Bulletin 358 - 10Jan25 - When the EU is boycotting Venezuela inauguration, why is it not boyctting Mozambique?
Election Bulletin 357 - 8Jan25 - PODEMOS-Mondlane-accord-22Aug24
Election Bulletin 355-356 - 2Jan25 - Where is the next Jimmy Carter to tell Frelimo the truth?
Election Bulletin 354 - 23Dec24 - CC results in detail; Why believe anyone?
Election Bulletin 353 - 23Dec24 - CC report, initial results
Election Bulletin 351-352 - 16Dec24 - 2 Ressano Garcia Facebook bloggers shot doing live broadcasts; Mano Shottas was killed and this is the broadcast when he was hit. CNE still owes $31mn for election equipment
Election Bulletin 350 - 13Dec24 - Lawyers hit CC for illegal document check - Portuguese and English - but CC ploughs ahead; Council of State want "far reaching electoral reforms"
Election Bulletin 349 - 12Dec24 - Protests at mines win concessions
Election Bulletin 348 - 8Dec24 - 103 killed by police; N1, N4, Ressano closed - translations of articles by Marcelo Mosse and Severino Ngoenha & Augusto Hunguana
Election Bulletin 347 - 6Dec24 - Comment protests grow, CDg links; Gaza anti-Frelimo; Chipande statue pulled down
Election Bulletin 346 - 5Dec24 - 13 killed by police on Wednesday; Frelimo and police attacked; EuroParliament on Moz
Election Bulletin 345 - 1Dec24 - Police blame foreign agents; no results after 50 days; police have killed 90
Election Bulletin 344 - 29Nov24 - tipping point and youth anger; police and Frelimo attacked
Election Bulletin 343 - 28Nov24 - donor "strong condemation" of violence against civilians statement; armound car hits protestors - video; middle class protest at shopping mall
Election Bulletin 342 - 24Nov24 - Mondlane accepts Nyusi invite but proposes agenda Mondlane letter PT - Mondlane letter unofficial Eng
Election Bulletin 341 - 21Nov24 - SADC no, Chatham House reversal, hit squads, appeal against Zimbabwe vote, Broad Opposition Front (FAO)
Election Bulletin 340 - 19Nov24 - EU and UK indirectly back Frelimo Chatham House letter to Chapo
Election Bulletin 339 - 18Nov24 - UN tell Moz to stop human rights violations
Election Bulletin 338 - 16Nov24 - General strike maintains noisy momentum
Election Bulletin 337 - 14Nov24 - English articles on general strike - Hanlon at LSE 12Nov24 - Hanlon at LSE 12Nov24 Pt
Election Bulletin 336 - 13Nov24 - 1st day of general strike phase 4: 7 shot dead in Nampula, Quelemane mayor tear-gassed, Ressano Garcia closed again
Election Bulletin 335 - 10Nov24 - Maputo demonstrations with 3 shot dead; Podemos appeal CC reponse; Numbers 3 - Gaza ghosts
Election Bulletin 334 - 8Nov24 - Call for national conference - Call in Pt&En - video Pt (45Mb)
Election Bulletin 333 - 6Mov24 - More than 30 demonstrators shot dead in six days
Election Bulletin 332 - 5Nov24 - Loud protests in hgih rise blocks (video), Portuguese parliamentary question to reject Moz election
Election Bulletin 331 - 3Nov24 - Police have killed at least 13 demonstrators
Election Bulletin 330 - 2Nov24 - General strike; attacks on Frelimo; police shooting
Election Bulletin 329 - 30Oct24 - CC demands documents from 7 provinces - CC Processo n° 50/CC/2024
Election Bulletin 328 - 29Oct24 - Opposition calls for GNU; Renamo crisis; lawyers attack CNE
Election Bulletin 327 - 28Oct24pm - EU and US harsh criticism; How will CC respond to internatonal pressure and Podemos?
Election Bulletin 326 - 28Oct24am - Podemos appeal to CC.
Election Bulletin 323-5 - 27Oct24 - CNE results show 170,000 Frelimo fake votes; CC can intervene because Frelimo power is "substantial" matter
Election Bulletin 322 - 26Oct24 - 10 dead in two days of demonstrations
Election Bulletin 321 - 25Oct24 - 9-7 votes on results. Deliberação-105-why-opponents voted against, observers registered; CNE full official elections results
Election Bulletin 319-320 - 24Oct24pm - Frelimo win; EU transparency demand rejected by CNE; no nulos check
Election Bulletin 318 - 23Oct24am - Damning statements from European Union & Catholic Bishops, Let numbers talk, 1 dead in strike
Election Bulletin 317 - 21Oct24 - Press teargassed on Praça da OMM (7Mb), Venancio Mondlane teargassed giving press conference (40Mb)
Election Bulletin 316 - 20Oct21 - killings, bar association critique, What changes will the CNE and CC make?
Election Bulletin 315- 19Oct24 -Top aide of Venancio Mondlane amd party agent of Podemos gunned down.
Election Bulletin 314 - 18Oct24 - Courts move against Frelimo
Election Bulletin 313 - 16Oct24 - Podemos will lead opposition; low turnout in north; Mais Integriade 16Oct24
Election Bulletin 312 - 15Oct24 - Fake observer caught try to bribe party delegate
Election Bulletin 311 - 13Oct24 - CNE could publish results by polling station - now
Election Bulletin 310 - 12Oct24 - Observers confirm widespread ballot box stuffing
Election Bulletin 309 - 10Oct24 - Boycott and low turnout
Election Bulletin 308 - 9Oct24 - Polling day - Zambezia problems
Election Bulletin 307 - 8Oct24-pm - Riots and tear gas as a STAE ignores MMV ruling
Election Bulletin 304-306 - 8Oct24 - CNE responds to criticism of Frelimo control of polling stations - trainers and pay
Election Bulletin 302-303 - 6Oct24 - Zambezia denies observer credential; Venancio in confrontation with police; how to do fraud
Election Bulletin 301 - 2Oct24 - Polling staff trained to back Frelimo
Election Bulletin 300 - 1Oct24 - Contracts to Sidat companies
Election Bulletin 299 - 29Sept24 - CNE makes district count secret, violating electoral laws
Election Bulletin 298 - 26Sept24 - STAE simply moves Frelimo trainer nominees; reusing old ballot boxes illegal
Election Bulletin 297 - 24Sep24 - MMVs must work unpaid
Election Bulletin 295-296 - 21Sep24 - Frelimo controls polling stations
Election Bulletin 294 - 17Sep24 - Nyusi and Momade confirm negotiations over electoral fraud
Election Bulletin 293 - 15Sep24 - Chaotic law changes, possible fraud cuts, electoral court system
Election Bulletin 291-292 - 14Sep24 - Pressure on opposition and obsevers (Manual for polling station staff - 21Mb)
Election Bulletin 289-290 - 10Sept24 - School closure backlash; ordered to greet candidate's wife at 6am
Election Bulletin 288a CIP statement - 9Sept24 - Will criticisms of Venezuela's election change how Mozambique's election is seen?
Election Bulletin 285-288 - 8Sept24 - Teaching or campaigning? Frelimo polling station heads
Election Bulletin 283-284 - 4Sept24 - Government agencie summos business to Frelimo meeting; Frelimo worried about Mondlane.
Election Bulletin 281-282 - 2Sep24 - Teachers & civil servants forced to campaign for Frelimo
Election Bulletin 279-280 - 29Aug24 - Schools closed, competition without conflict
Election Bulletin 278 - 27Aug24 - CIP correspondent detained by UIR; teachers abandon classes
Election Bulletin 277 - 25Aug24 - Campaign opens - Cabout Delgado, violence, posters, cars
Election Bulletin 276 - 29July24 - President does not explain veto so AR cannot review vetoed recount law
Election Bulletin 275 - 18July24 - CNE rejects Mondlane's parliamentary candidates
Election Bulletin 274 - 11July24 - CC rules CNE acted illegally, causing delay to candidates lists
Election Bulletin 272-273- 12June24 - CNE violates constitution by trying to stop campaigning
Election Bulletin 270-1 - 10June24 - CNE approves fake registratioin of 900,000 voters
Election Bulletin 269 - 9June24 - Nyusi vetos election law allowing district recounts, ensuring 9 Oct victory. Nyusi statement.
Election Bulletin 268 - 4June24 - Will CNE approve organised criime of 1.2mn voters who do not exist? - STAE registration data for all districts and our ghost voters calculations for 5 provinces and districts
Election Bulletin 267 - 30May24 - CNE owes $54mn so vendors won't supply
Election Bulletin 266 - 16May24 - Ghosts have 7 seats in parliament
Eleciton Bulletin 264-265 - 20May24 - CC and CNE still insisting on wrong dates
Election Bulletin 263 - 10May24 - CNE press conference and parties list - registration deadlines. Explanation of seat assingment error in the law and need for d'Hondt.
Election Bulletin 262 - 2May24 - CNE admits 587,941 ghost voters - STAE report
Election Bulletins 257-261 - 30Apr24 - Registration ends with some queues; registering children, Malawians, Zimbabweans
Election Bulletins 253-256 - 28Apr24 - Ghosts - Gaza, Inhambane
Election Bulletin 252 - 23Apr24 - STAE destroys evidence of crime; Mais Integridade observer reports
Election Bulletins 250-251 - 20Apr24 - Cabo Delgado war impact
Election Bulletin 248 - 17Apr24 - Nampula registration manipulation - Nampula CPE first 30 days with errors - Our full table on first 30 days with CPE errors corrected
Election Bulletin 246 - 15Apr24 - In parliament, battle for control between Constitutional Council and High Court
Election Bulletins 243-245 - 13Apr24 - Fake machine breakdowns to not register opposition in Alto Molocue
Election Bulletin 242 - 9Apr24 - AR discussion of electoral law changes
Election Bulletins 238-241 - 9Apr24 - CNE report registration 1st 24 days; other notes
Election Bulletins 236-7 - 5Apr24 - survey shows 12% of posts not working; Problems with credentials continue
Election Bulletins 234-5 - 31Mar24 - Intimidation of correspondents - more rain and misconduct
Election Bulletins 232-3 - 28Mar24 - Choosing presidential candidates only in March; no press credentials; Frelimo priority
Election Bulletin 231 - 26Mar24 - heavy rain in Maputo and cloud elsewhere distrupt registration
Election Bulletins 229-230 - 24Mar24 - no credentials in 4 provinces; torrential rain; Frelimo interference - Eleições Autárquicas 230, Eleições Autárquicas 229
Election Bulletins 226-228 - 23Mar24 - First week registration STAE statement (Pt), Renamo statement (Pt+En) - Eleições Autárquicas 226, Eleições Autárquicas 227, Eleições Autárquicas 228
Election Bulletins 223-225 - 19Mar24 -Registration issues - CIP credential problems
Election Bulletin 222 - 16Mar24 - Registration opens
Election Bulletin 221 - 15Mar24 - Municipal elections complete results
Election Bulletiin 220 - 7Mar24 - STAE moves on corrupt; More registration bigades in Frelimo areas - list of posts by province and district
Election Bulletin 219 - 19Feb24 - Special Report - 25 years of electoral fraud
Election Bulletin 218 - 14Feb2024 - Renamo wants longer prison sentences for electoral crimes.
Election Bulletin 217 - 13Feb24 - Renamo election law change proposals to AR; MDM proposals
Elections Bulletin 216 - 7Feb24 - CNE releases new calendar
Election Bulletin 215 - 26Jan24 - Nampula court denies order to suspend mayor - decisions - Eleições Autárquicas 215
Election Bulletin 214 - 23Jan24 Renamo accepts impossibly tight time to submit candidates - Eleições Autárquicas 214
Election Bulletin 213 - 14Jan24 - Frelimo calls for special AR session - Eleições Autárquicas 213
Elections Bulletins 211-212 - 14Jan2024 - 10 laws force rainy season registration - Eleições Autárquicas 211 - Eleições Autárquicas 212
Election Bulletin 210 - 8Jan24 - Renamo battle over leadership and $1mn/y - Eleições Autárquicas 210