Resultados intermediários publicados por CDEs (Minor errors corrected 28 October 2018)
Intermediate results as published by city and district elections commissions
COMPARAÇÃO de resultados intermediários publicados pelas comissões eleitorais distritais (CDEs) e confirmada pela Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE) com contagens provisórias feitas pelo STAE, e contagens paralelas feitas pela mídia e pela sociedade civil.
COMPARISON of intermediate results as published by city and district elections commissions (CDEs) and validated by the National Elections Commisison (CNE) with provisional counts done by STAE and parallel counts done by media and civil society
- 81 - 29 November 2018 - CNE approves Frelimo win in Marromeu - Marromeu CNE results and Renamo objection (in Portuguese)
- 80 - 25 November 2018 - Ghost voters give Frelimo victory in Marromeu - Full tables of results by CDE, STAE, and observers, showing major differences
- - table of Marromeu provisional and parallel counts 10 & 22 October
- 76 - 21 November 2018 - Renamo win likely in Marromeu - table of Marromeu provisional and parallel counts 10 October
- 75 - 18 November 2018 - Constitutional council castigates legislators, parties and (implicitly) donors - Three articles on the 2010 donor strike
- 74 - 15 November 2018 - Marromeu rerun 22 November
- 73 - 14 November 2018 - Constitutional Council forces partial rerun in Marromeu but accepts other 52 results
- Special Report 2 - 12 November 2018 - 2/3 of Gurué polling stations suspicious, with misconduct on both sides.
- 72 - 29 October 2018 - Constitution Council rejects 7 appeals on procedural grounds, but still might consider the issues; CC says cases submitted late and makes impossible demand for earliest challenge
- 71 - 24 October 2018 - CNE rubber stamps results as Frelimo prevents discussion
- 70 - 21 October 2018 - Local courts reject opposition appeals on technicalities, refusing to consider the issues
- 69 - 17 October 2018 - Failure to punish election violence encourages more violence
- 68 - 16 October 2018 - Record 60% turnout
- 67 - 14 October 2018 - Frelimo wins Maputo, Tete; 4 paper-thin wins by Frelimo being contested
- 66 - 13 October 2018 - Frelimo win in Matola contested; Alto Molocue result reversed; Renamo wins Cuamba
- 65 - 12 October 2018 - Police removed Marromeu ballot boxes; Renamo members claim sell out and riot in Montepuez
- 64 - 11 October 2018 - 17.00 - Renamo wins Nacala, MDM keeps Beira, tight race in Matola
- 63 - 11 October 2018 - 12.00 - First Renamo win in Cabo Delgado; Frelimo wins Manica province
- 62 - 11 October 2018 - 08.00 - First results: Renamo ahead in Quelimane, Ilha; Renamo wins Monapo; Frelimo wins Gurué, Ribaue, Nyamayabue, Chimoio
- 61 - 10 October 2018 - 19.30 - Few afternoon voters and general calm, but also gunfire and problems in Gurue, Quelimane, Nhamayabue, Dondo.
- 60 - 10 October 2018 - 13.30 - All polling stations open; queues now short; registration list problems
- 59 - 10 October 2018 - 09.30 - Higher turnout with some opening problems
- 51 - 30 September 2018 - Shots by police in Gurué; Renamo says it has soldiers in Marromeu
- 50 - 29 September 2018 - Renamo man shot by police after lodging complaint
- 49 - 28 September 2018 - Peaceful campaign so far
- 48 - 26 September 2018 - Smooth start to election campaign, but with 2 accidental deaths and the same irregularities
- 47 - 20 September 2018 - Mondlane rejected again; citizens group delayed too long; Araújo continues as mayor
- 46 - 17 September 2018 - Court battles over 3 defectors - Mondlane, Araujo, Samito
- 44-45 - 4 September 2018 - Mondlane out; Araujo + Samito uncertain; fairness comment
- 42-43 - 22 August 2018 - Main Maputo challengers under threat
- 41 - 19 August 2018 - Venâncio Mondlane & Samora Machel Jr challenged
- 39 - 15 August 2018 - Tight calendar hits parties as only 18 of 28 present lists
- 38 - 12 August 2018 - CNE still changing results in secret, defying the Constitutional Council
- 37 - 3 August 2018 - Delayed law signing forces candidate submission rush
- 36 - 27 July 2018 - Law change summary
- 35 - 17 July 2018 - Parliament commission says Council of Ministers proposals unconstitutional
- 34 - 12 July 2018 - STAE continues to organise 10 October elections; Unclear boundaries caused big changes in 5 cities
- 33 - 5 July 2018 - Frelimo halts electoral process, but parties say elections will happen; 25 parties approved
- 32 - 28 June 2018
- 31 - 21 June 2018
- 30 - 19 June 2018
- 29 - 12 June 2018
- 28 - 26 May 2018
- 27 - 16 May 2018
- 26 - 8 May 2018
- 25 - 3 May 2018
- 24 - 24 April 2018 - Registration update.
- 23 - 17 April 2018 - Questions about head of list; 39% registraiton at half way
- 22 - 28 March 2018 - CNE found 572 extra Nampula votes; Registraitn opens
- 21 - 18 March 2018 - Renamo Nampula win confirmed; Comment: Is no one responsible?
- 20 - 14 March 2018 - 23.00 - PVT predicts Renamo victory on higher turnout
- 19 - 14 March 2018 - 12.00 - Low turnout; Register book and credential problems
- 18 - 12 March 2018 - CNE has detailed plan to avoid another Nampula fiasco
- 17 - 7 March 2018 - Calm and low key campaign in Nampula 2nd round
- 16 - 18 February 2018 - Nampula 2nd round to be 16 March
- 15 - 14 February 2018 - Nampula result confirmed; registration
- 14 - 13 February 2015 - Constitutional amendment proposes limited decentralization in 'unitary state'
- 13 - 11 February 2018 - Dhlakama-Nyusi deal to appoint mayors faces Constitutional hurdles
- 12 - 4 February 2018 - Votar Moçambique calls Nampula election 'unacceptable'
- 11 - 26 January 2018 - Need for second round confirmed
- 10 - 25 January 2018 - 06.00 - Initial results point to 2nd round and low turnout
- 9 - 24 January 2018 - 16.00 - Low turnout; half of polling stations opened late
- 8 - 24 January 2018 - 10.00 - Disorganization, late polling station openings, low turnout
- 7 - 22 January 2018 - Calm campaign in hotly contested election
- 6 - 15 January 2018 - CNE admits chaos in Nampula caused by sloppiness of STAE; Comment - repeating 2014, 2009, 2004
- 5 - 10 January - 2018 - Nampula register mess forces CNE president to intervene
- 4 - 14 December 2018 - 5 candidates; mock registration
- 3 - 1 December 2017 - Nampula by-election 24 January; pilot registration delayed
- 2 - 4 September 2017 - Trial registration in 9 districts
- 1 - 18 August 2017 - Calendar for 10 October 2018 local elections; when does the CNE term end?