NE-79 - 30 December 2015 - CC confirms election by rejects CNE secret changes
CC ruling validating elections - Portuguese only - 30 December 2014.
CNE President statement on editais and corrections - Portuguese only - 26 December 2014
Electoral Observatory report on the elections - Portuguese only - 30 December 2014.
NE-78 - 19 December 2014 - Constitutional Council rejects opposition complaints but is investigating misconduct; Cuamba by-election
NE-77 - 13 November 2014 - More than 300 polling station not counted; CNE rebuts Renamo, MDM protests to CC
NE-76 - 9 November 2014 - CNE rejects Renamo protest; Dhlakama implies no demobilization soon
Dhlakama Savana Interview - Portuguese only - 7 November 2014
Study 1 - 27 October 2014 - Turnout study based on PVT, and ballot box stuffing
Study 2 - 28 October 2014 - blank and spoiled ballot papers
Study 3 - 2 November 2014 - Looking for a quick count
NE-75 - 2 November 2014 - comments & data
NE-74 - 30 October 2014 - Divided CNE delcares results
NE-73 - 27 October 2014 - invalid votes - nulos
NE-72 - 24 October 2014 - More evidence of ballot box stuffing
NE-71 - 23 October 2014 - Complete provincial count
NE-70 (replaced by update NE-71)
NE-69 - 22 Oct 2014 - Niassa & Cabo Delgado
Most up to date district count
NE-68 - 21 Oct 2014 - 20.00 - Count disorganisation; EU statement
NE-67 - 21 Oct 2014 - Extra register books; Maputo city vote anaysis
NE-66 - 20 Oct 2014 - count continues
NE-65 - 19 Oct 2014 - 23.00 - District count problems
NE-64 - 19 Oct 2014 - Dhlakama wants unity government
NE-63 - 18 Oct 2014 - Dhlakama wants negotiations
International and national observer group statements
NE-62 - 17 Oct 2014 - Renamo rejects election; EU statement: child killed
NE-61 - 16 Oct 2014 - 18.30 - further projections
NE-60 - 16 Oct 2014 - 10.45 - Frelimo victory; Dhlakama does well; MDM collapse; Higher turnout
NE-59 - 15 Oct 2014 - 22.00 - Polls close; ballot box stuffing
NE-58 - 15 Oct 2014 - 17.30 - Ballot papers destroyed in Tete
NE-57 - 15 Oct 2014 - 12.00 - Large queues as most polling stations open - but many problems reported
NE-56 - 14 Oct 2014 - MDM accuses STAE; violence in Angonia
NE-55 - 13 Oct 2014 - Calm campaign except Nampula
NE-54 - 10 Oct 2014 - CNE rules district counts will be open
NE-53 - 9 Oct 2014 - District count closed to observers
NE-52 - 7 Oct 2014 - Possible frauds and responses - based on the experience of prior Mozambican elections
NE-51 - 6 Oct 2014 - Two MDM men released in Nampula; trial delayed
NE-50 - 5 Oct 2014 - Calm campaign; ballots stolen
NE-49 - 1 Oct 2014 - Dhlakama in Quelimane; football
NE-48 - 28 Sept 2014 - Carimo: Violence disgraceful; Nampula coffin; Renamo & state cars
NE-47 - 24 Sept 2014 - Daviz attacked in Gaza
NE-46 - 23 Sept 2014 - Peaceful campaign
NE-45 - 21 Sept 2014 - Renamo and state cars
NE-44- 18 Sept 2014 - violence increasing
NE-43 - 16 Sept 2014 - MDM arrests in Manica
NE-42 - 14 Sept 2014 - National Observers; magistrates training
NE-41 - 10 Sept 2014 - Violences, arrests, armed robbery in Frelimo car
NE-40 - 9 Sept 2014 - 10 Nampula arrests
NE-39 - 8 Sept 2014 - Calm first campaign week
NE-38 - 3 Sept 2014 - Campaign
NE-37 - 2 Sept 2014 - Campaign operns; EU to observe
NE-36 - 27 Aug 2014 - CNE promises end to hidden results changes
NE-35 - 25 Aug 2014 - CNE tightens polling station rules; party funding
NE-34 - 18 Aug 2014 - CNE finds more voters
NE-33 - 7 Aug 2014 - Presidential candidates/
NE-32 - 27 July 2014 - Polling station staff recruitment
NE-31 - 24 July 2014 - Electoral Observatory
NE-30 - 22 July 2014 - Candidates submitted
NE-29 - 16 July 2014 - Campaign finance
NE-28 - 14 July 2014 - 8 parties submit candidates
NE-27 - 2 June 2014 - Dispute over notarising signatures
NE-26 - 18 May 2014 - Final registration reaches 88%; parliament seats by province
NE-24-25 - 8 May 2014 - Dhlakama registered
NE-23 - 7 May 2014 - Renamo says Gorongosa registration can start tomorrow, with police escort
NE-22 - 6 May 2014 - CDE confirms 'higher orders' to stop Gorongosa registration
NE-21 - 4 May 2014 - No registration in Gorongosa, as war resumes
NE-20 - 30 April 2014 - Registration extension will cost $2.3 mn
NE-19 - 29 April 2014 - Registration extended to 9 May
NE-18 - 29 April 2014 - Gorongosa registration blocked
NE-17 - 27 April 2014 - Renamo-government gunfire prevents Gorongosa registration
NE-15-16 - 24 April 2014 -Registration in Gorongosa
NE-14 - 20 April 2014 - Renamo demands registration extension,
NE-12-13 - 16 April 2014 - 2009 registration was over 90%; this year, with 2 weeks to go, only 71% have voter's cards
NE-10-11 - 2 April 2014 - registration; 13 posts not open
NE-9 - 28 March 2014 - 40% registered at half way point
NE-8 - 23 March 2014 - Introducing Frelimo candidate violated law; mid-way through registration
NE-7 - 19 March 2014 - Campaigning is permitted now - but not use of state resources
NE-6 - 11 March 2014 - In Quelimane, most registration brigade members are Frelimo
NE-5 - 23 February 2014 - Registration problems continue
NE-4 - 20 February 2014 - Election law proposals to AR
NE-3 - 16 February 2014 - Registration opens, but with many problems
NE-2 - 29 January 2014 - Registration delayed to accomodate Renamo
NE-1 - 28 January 2014 - Registration opens Thursday