The Club Committee consists of voluntary, elected members of staff and is supported by a full-time Club Co-ordinator. The role of the Club Committee is to make decisions and to formulate policy to ensure the smooth running of the OU Club. The committee is elected at the July AGM, and the yearly term of office starts on the 1st September. Committee meets once a month, except August.
The 2024/25 Club Committee are:
Chair: | Natalie Gaffey |
Treasurer: | Tracey - OU-Club-Treasurer <> |
Secretary: | Deb Shann |
Sports Chair: | Aqueel Wahga |
Entertainment Chair: | Jo Dyer |
Members: |
Louise Thomas Melanie Stickland Tony Coyne Cybelle Batcup Stephen Cafferty Mike Hay
Although all important decisions are brought to committee for debate and action the Club also has important sub-committees. For example, the Finance Committee consists of the Executive Officers of the Club Committee, plus two ordinary members of the Club Committee. The Committee considers bids for financial assistance from our Affiliated Clubs and Social Clubs in the Nations, Manchester and Nottingham, as well as ensuring the smooth financial running of the Club as a whole. The Finance committee also operates to give help and advice to any Affiliated Club that requests it.
The OU Club and our Affiliated Clubs exist to provide social and recreational facilities to staff and also the general public. As a member of staff you automatically qualify to be a member of the OU Club and can take advantage of any of the benefits featured on the website. The OU Club’s website is full of information on how you can participate and take advantage of the benefits that the many Clubs have on offer. You can join any affiliated club to meet new people or just take advantage of discounts negotiated with many local and national retailers.
The OU Club is innovative, responsive, inclusive and committed to equality in all that we do. We are committed to creating a diverse environment and are proud to form part of an equal opportunity employer. The University actively encourages employee participation in our Clubs which are full supported by the VC’s office. Our VCE have agreed to employee time being allowed to form part of your OU work / duties. Most line-managers agree that Club work / duties benefit you and contribute to your CDSA objectives.
“Are you interested in joining the OU Club Committee” where you can make a real difference to the OU’s Social and diverse Community? We would particularly welcome applications from remote workers (including ALs), members of clubs currently not represented on the committee and staff identified in the OU EDI business initiatives. All applications will be considered at the first committee meeting scheduled for early September.
As a committee member, you will meet new people from all backgrounds and get the opportunity to utilise your strengths, decision making and influencing skills required to run the OU Club. The Committee meets on a monthly basis (currently via Microsoft Teams) to run the operational side of the business and on occasions some decision-making is done through email discussions and the occasional short meeting.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Club Committee, please contact us