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Alexis Lansbury


Curriculum Development in Computing and Communications: Enabling the Student Voice, Facilitating Employability and Exploring Students’ Personal and Professional Aspirations

  • Alexis LansburyArabella Nock
  • This project will investigate whether our current C&C curriculum meets the personal and professional aspirations and employability needs of our students and identify curriculum-gaps from our students’ perspectives.

    April 2022 to October 2024

    Accessibility of Jupyter Notebooks on M269

  • Alexis LansburySharon Dawes
  • M269 Algorithms, data structures and computability is being rewritten and will include all teaching and assessment materials in Jupyter notebooks rather than the OU’s VLE interface.

    April 2021 to September 2023

    Degree-Apprenticeships: Embedding learning in the practice-tutor, apprentice, employer tripartite

  • Alexis LansburyAutumn ThomsonAndy Hollyhead
  • This project will focus on the undergraduate degree-apprenticeships offered by the School of Computing and Communications in England and Wales.

    May 2020 to December 2021

    An investigation into how STEM students use learning resources in different formats, and how this use develops over time

  • Laura AlexanderAlexis Lansbury
  • Winner of the 4th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2021 under the category - Enhancing the Student Experience.

    An overall summary of our findings would be that:-

    November 2017 to February 2021