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Diane Butler


Perceptions and Experiences of STEM Academic Promotion (Professorial): Case study from the Open University, UK

  • Diane ButlerSoraya Kouadri MostéfaouiJimena GorfinkielMark McJury
  • The study adopts a qualitative approach to determine academics’ experiences and perceptions of the Professorial Promotions process (PB1 only) within the Faculty of STEM, Open University.

    November 2022 to September 2024

    Evaluating the use of an Inclusive Curriculum Tool in STEM modules

  • Diane ButlerAndrew Potter
  • The development and implementation of the Inclusive Curriculum Tool (ICT) is one of a suite of measures the University is using to address issues around the degree awarding gaps which have been identified as priority areas in our Access and Participation Strategy (APS).

    May 2022 to December 2022

    Evaluating STEM/FBL APP Virtual Internship Scheme

  • Diane ButlerAndrew PotterCatherine ComfortKristen Reid
  • Winner of the 7th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2024.

    April 2022 to December 2022

    Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Badged Open Course

  • Shailey MinochaDiane Butler
  • This free Badged Open Course (BOC) titled Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM provides a toolkit for conducting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL

    January 2021 to September 2021

    Investigating factors which affect active student participation during tutorials in online rooms

  • Diane ButlerLynda CookVikki Haley-Mirnar
  • Winner of the 2nd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2019 under the category - Enhancing the Student Experience.

    April 2016 to September 2018