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Eleanor Crabb


Mathematics support in LHCS

  • Eleanor CrabbNicola McIntyreCath Brown
  • Science students need to develop a level of competence in mathematics to succeed in their studies.  However, Open University students in chemistry, biology and health sciences may well be unaware of the need for mathematical skills prior to embarking on their studies, and given the open entry pol

    June 2024 to December 2026

    Blending labcasts and remote/virtual experimentation: students’ perception in practical skills development

  • Eleanor CrabbRob JanesKate Bradshaw
  • Online practical work is now established across the OU STEM curriculum, in many modules and programmes.

    June 2018 to February 2022

    Online Summer Schools

  • Kate NixonEleanor Crabb
  • The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in losses in opportunities for students to gain experience at summer placements in research and industrial laboratories.

    November 2020 to July 2024

    Improving success and satisfaction of credit transfer students entering L3 modules in Science

  • Eleanor CrabbJane Loughlin
  • Credit transfer students are often regarded as having the potential to succeed in distance learning.

    May 2019 to December 2021

    Developing responsive approaches to enhance personalized learning in selected LHCS modules

  • Eleanor CrabbNick ChattertonKate BradshawKaren New
  • Personalized learning involves developing teaching strategies that allow students to learn in a way which is most effective for them. It requires educators to develop teaching materials using a range of styles, media and formats allowing students to choose approaches that suit their needs.

    June 2018 to January 2022