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This blog features a wide variety of articles on various aspects of online teaching and learning in business and law.

If you would be interested in contributing a guest blog, please email us.

A small team of people talking at a table. In the background two other people are looking at sticky notes on a corkboard

The transformational potential of co-creation

In this blog Liz Hardie and Carol Edwards discuss how they used co-creation to develop a peer mentoring scheme, and its benefits and challenges.

21st February 2023
People involved in a discussion at a meeting

Connecting diversity and belonging with business success

The Tech Talent Charter has brought together over 700 organisations to drive progress in diversity and inclusion in the digital and technology workforce; here, guest blog contributor Dr Rebecca Kirk discusses why this should matter to all of us in business and education. 

6th February 2023

Using pedagogical research to help develop academic identity

This blog by Professor Jacqueline Baxter explores whether carrying out pedagogical research can help practitioners find their place in the hyper complex world of higher education.

4th January 2023

Deploying international HE partnerships for improved Open and Distance Learning and employability strategies

In this blog, Dr Charles Mbalyohere reports on a collaborative project with Uganda’s Makerere University to study how international HE partnerships can be leveraged to improve ODL and employability strategies.

20th December 2022

Bottom-up approaches to develop teaching and research for social entrepreneurs and social innovators

Researchers from The Open University (OU) and the University of Northampton (UoN) and practitioners explore ways to include the ideas and perceptions of practitioners inside our teaching and research ideas. 

23rd November 2022

Life After Covid: Is it time to think about a digital future for the compulsory education sector?

Following lockdowns in 2020 due to Covid-19, schools needed to find a way to ensure the education of their pupils. In order to do this, they engaged in digital learning, to varying extents.

31st October 2022

Knowing what you are doing when you don’t know what you are doing…

Amanda Smith, ex-CPS prosecutor and OU Law School Associate Lecturer, reflects on the process of reflection in this latest blog post contribution.

23rd September 2022

Lessons from the World Café: reflections on entrepreneurship education effectiveness

Entrepreneurship education effectiveness means different things to different people. In this blog, Carolin Decker-Lange looks at how we can best capture the outcomes of university-based entrepreneurship education.

26th August 2022

Agent Based Modelling and Scholarship

Kevin Amor discusses the use of Agent Based Modelling (ABM) in scholarship work and illustrates the potential of ABM to readers.

29th June 2022

Law Graduates’ Use of Extra-Curricular Activities to Get Started in the Legal Professions

This blog arises out of our SCiLAB-funded project, ‘An Exploration of the Use of Extra-Curricular Activities by Law Students and Alumni’, which we carried out during 2020-21. 

20th May 2022

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