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This blog features a wide variety of articles on various aspects of online teaching and learning in business and law.

If you would be interested in contributing a guest blog, please email us.

From Experience to Theory (Part One)

In the first article of a series, Haider Ali looks at one of the methods used to address the challenges of making management education more relevant to practising managers on a FutureLearn course.

29th January 2021

Does co tutoring improve online teaching practice?

Tutors are increasingly being asked to teach together with a colleague – often called ‘co-tutoring'. But what are tutors’ experiences of co-tutoring and can it play a role in developing their teaching practice?

20th January 2021

Exploring engagement with online interactivities: An introduction to our project

In this latest blog post, Sarah Henderson and Ben Melluish look at how level 1 students engage with interactive resources when undertaking their first business or law module. 

22nd December 2020

Academics are from Mars and practitioners are from Venus – some thoughts on how to create a successful union based on value orientated collaboration

It can often feel like academics and practitioners are from different universes, let alone planets. In this blog Richard Harding discusses how we might better bridge the divide between them to create unions made in, rather than separated by, the heavens.

7th December 2020

How do I solve the world’s problems from my desk?

In the face of some of the world’s global problems, it can be easy to feel disempowered and disengaged. In this post, Jessica Giles explores interdisciplinary methodology as a platform for us to address global issues.

24th November 2020

Setting up a Pilot Mentoring Programme on W101 – An Introduction to Law

In this latest post, Carol Edwards, Liz Hardie and Lorraine Gregory, discuss setting up a pilot mentoring programme to help students form supportive communities in their studies. 

29th October 2020

I want my weekend back!

In this post Haider Ali looks at how instructors delivering learning in residential schools can provide an experience involving high levels of staff/student contact whilst remaining satisfying and enjoyable for students.

8th October 2020

Creating Emergency Remote Learning Environments in Response to COVID-19

In this post, Senior Lecturer Michael Ngoasong explores how emergency online learning environments can be created in response to COVID-19.

30th September 2020

How to write a blog

If you've ever fancied yourself as a blog writer then these simple, top tips from Dr Jacqueline Baxter will enable you to turn your idea into an eye-catching blog in no time.

22nd July 2020

Can we teach skills online?

Open University Associate Lecturer Lin Smith takes a look into key academic skills for study and what skills online students have acquired.

15th July 2020

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