Our research on sea-level change ranges from modelling of current day sea-level change arising from ice sheet dynamics and probabilistic changes from ice-sheet melting to detecting sea-level change from the sedimentary record.
We use the sequence stratigraphy model to detect past changes in sea-level and are currently also developing the model for application to fine-grained and mass flow deposits.
In sedimentology our current interests are mostly focussed on understanding fine-grained sedimentary rocks particularly organic-rich deposits deposited during past periods of global warming.
We have expertise in a range of stratigraphical techniques including chemostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy and use these to both help refine the geological timescale and to understand the rate, duration and changes in ocean chemistry during and in response to past periods of environmental change including the Toarcian, Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian and Miocene.
If you have any questions or want to find out more please contact Angela Coe.
We are celebrating another new professor in EEES, following the promotion of Dr Pallavi Anand to Professor of Ocean Biogeochemistry.
We are celebrating a new Professor in EEES. Dr Susanne Schwenzer has recently been promoted to Professor of Planetary Mineralogy.