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The Open University is now a member of the SmartGo scheme, giving all staff FREE access to a range of discounts and incentives to help make your commuting and leisure journeys cheaper, easier or healthier.

The package includes bus and train offers, cheaper car hire, cycling deals and savings on hiking or running. Many can be used outside of work too, so your savings can quickly add up! To register:

  1. Visit:
  2. Complete the form for the Standard network and choose ‘The Open University’
  3. Enter: in the 'Verification email address’ box
  4. Fill in your details and click ‘Submit’
  5. You’ll receive an account validation email with an auto-generated password to complete your setup, then you’re ready to start saving!

If you have any questions, please get in touch with The SmartGo Team on Tel: 0330 024 56 65 or email:  

Please note that by signing up to Smartgo you may receive an invitation to take part in their own Travel Survey.  This survey is optional and entirely up to you if you wish to take part.