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People walking in a group

Walking is an excellent form of exercise as well as free travel to work!

Nottingham is a great place to get around on foot with various routes to discover the local area, landmarks and heritage.

Please visit the Walking Routes in Nottingham page on Transport Nottingham website or you can view Visit Nottinghamshire for more information. 

Benefits of Walking

Walking regularly can improve your health and wellbeing because walking is not only good for the body; it’s great for the mind too! 

Some benefits of walking are: Walking to health

  • Get healthy – can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease 
  • Physical health – burns more fat than jogging and is a great way to tone your legs
  • Boosts endorphins – helping to keep the mind heathy and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression 
  • It’s green – does not contribute to air pollution
  • Free and easy – the most accessible form of physical activity 

(According to British Heart Foundation, Stay Alive Stay Active)

Top Tips to get you started

  • Choose to walk – park your car further away than you need to or get off the bus a couple of stops early to encourage you to walk
  • Track your steps – Aim for a step count each day using a smart phone app or pedometer - it’s a great motivator.

Visit the NHS Walking for Health website for more encouraging information.

Living Streets

Working to make the streets you live, work, shop and play in safe, attractive and enjoyable spaces. We've been doing just that, since 1929.

We are all pedestrians, and our streets are the one public space we all use, everyday. At Living Streets, we think that they are worth fighting for. With our supporters, we work to create streets that really put people first. When we have streets we want to walk in, lives are transformed - we are healthier, happier and more sociable

For further information see the Living Streets Website